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My weblog archive

September 2012

September 30, 2012

In the last weekend of September, we had our anual family weekend with my parents, my brother and sisters and there spouses and all children and grandchildren.
On Saturdaymorning, we made a nice boat trip in Belgium on the river Schelde and on Saturday we had a family dinner on two big tables in the restaurant near the holidayhomes we stayed in during the weekend.

Enjoying the family dinner

It was nice to meet eachother and enjoy the things we did together.


September 23, 2012

After the concert with our sons band on Saturday evening, we went to a hotel in Ede for the night. This morning, we went to the Kröller-Müller Museum in Ottelo in the centre of National Park De Hoge Veluwe. It is an art museum with a wide variety of artistic masterpieces like paintings from Vincent van Gogh and Carel Willink and sculptures from all over the world and all of that in a beautiful surrounding, inside and outside the museum buildings.

Two sons, sitting on a piece of art in the sculpture garden

After the visit to the museum, we went to the Burger King with our youngest son and our oldest son and his wife and children.


September 22, 2012

This evening we went to Mijdrecht, to listen to the band Draw the Parade where my oldest son is the drummer. On their website you can listen to their videoclip.

Draw the Parade

We really enjoyed the music. I would be surprised if this band will not soon be a big name in the pop music in the Netherlands.


September 22, 2012

Last year, we stopped with our newssite to start a new newssite in collaboration with the local broadcasting company, ZuidWestTV.
This month, we started writing articles and taking pictures again and today I went to Bergen op Zoom, to write an article about a textile market for the brand new newssite

Textile market in Bergen op Zoom

The advantage of the bike is that I don't have to look for a parking in a expensive parking garage, far away from the center but that I can park the bike right next to the market.


September 16, 2012

On Friday, we got a phonecall that my wifes sister her husband was in the Intensive Care in the hospital in Bochum in Germany. That was bad news and my wife and I decided to go to Germany for the weekend to visit my brother-in-law and to support my sister-in-law so I booked a hotel near their home in Germany.
Saturdaymorning we left home and at a little past two o'clock we arrived at my sister-in-laws house in Germany. After a coffee we left to the hospital.

St Josef Hospital in Bochum

After the visit to the hospital we had dinner with my wifes sister and in the evening we went to our hotel.
On Sundaymorning we went to my wifes sister again and in the afternoon, we went home again because my wife has to work mondaymorning.


September 1, 2012

On Saturday, the first of September, I left early in the morning for my motorcycletrip to Spain. Unfortunately, my wife can not come with me so I had to go alone.

You can read all about my trip on my tripreport .



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021