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My weblog archive

June 2022

June 26, 2022

The weather was nice today so I went to church on the motorbike today. It was a nice ride to church and after the service back home.
A relaxed motorbike ride home after church is a good moment to think about what I have heard in the service.

The bike parked near the church in Goes


June 18, 2022

Our son Vincent had an accident with his motorcycle yesterday. He was not given right of way while he was already riding in a bend (near Kruiningen).
He is currently in hospital in Goes. He had surgery yesterday and now has a steel pin in his leg. He hopes to be able to go home tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and will then be cared for by his girlfriend for the time being.

In the news....


June 16, 2022

I've started taking some time to draw again and this is an attempt at a holiday feeling drawing in ink and pencil.

My latest drawing


June 14, 2022

All good things come to an end, including our exhibition in Putte.
After a successful week with many visitors, the space is now empty again. On Sunday all artworks have been returned to their owners (buyers or artists) and the space is once again an empty bare retail property.

Almost empty on Sunday

Today we loaded the construction fences that we had used to hang the paintings on a trailer and the building is completely empty now.
The weather was perfect today so I went to Putte on the Goldwing.

My bike in Putte


June 8, 2022

Since Saturday a few of my paintings have been exhibited at an exhibition in Putte.
Today I did a painting workshop and the painting I made there is now also in the exhibition now. The exhibition is open until Sunday.

My paintings at the exhibition in Putte

The landscape I painted today



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Last modified: 1 August 2022
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021