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My weblog archive

January 2017

January 29, 2017

Our old friends Paul and Els visited us today. They had never been in Bergen op Zoom so we went to Bergen op Zoom to show them the 'Gevangen Poort', the old city gate, the 'Markiezenhof' the city palace and the 'Ravelijn', a part of the old defense structures that used to be around the city. Of course we had a drink on a terrace at the Grote Markt.

Erika and Els at the Markiezenhof in Bergen op Zoom

There is a very interesting carnival museum in the attic of the Markiezenhof with scale models of carousels and other amusement rides.

At the carnival museum in the attic of the Markiezenhof


January 28, 2017

Our oldest son had left his wallet in our car so today we went to their house to bring it back and to see our new little grandson again.

Grandmother holding our new grandson

We went there together with one of our other sons and his two children. Then, together with our oldest son and two of his children, we went to the railway museum in Utrecht.

At the railway museum in Utrecht

We enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon in the railway museum before we all went home.


January 26, 2017

Today was a very sad day, because we had to bring my mother to a nursing home. Her health was to bad to stay at home with my father.
Together with my brother, on of my sisters, my wife Erika and our nephew Erik, we moved her things to the nursing home and then we brought her there.

Erika in my mothers room in the nursing home

We were all very sad for my mother, and for my father too because he has to live alone in their house from now on.


January 22, 2017

Every January, our little village is filled with thousands of cycling fans for the World Championship Cycle-Cross.
Off course, Vincent and I went there too, to write and article, take pictures and shoot some video for our news-website

Thousands of people at the 'GP Adrie van der Poel'


January 21, 2017

My parents are rather old and have some health problems. The previous days, my brother and sisters and their spouses stayed with my parents and today I spend the day with them to take care of them and keep them company.

The apartment building where my parents live


January 20, 2017

Last monday, our new grandson was born. He is the son of our oldest son. My wife was there all week to help and today I came to see my grandson for the first time and to ride home with my wife in the evening.

Our new grandson

I was very proud that my son asked me to design the birth announcement card. I also designed the previous two cards and I made it a serie, based on our son his job as a drummer.

The birth announcement cards serie


January 14, 2017

Together with my friend Dick, I went to the Oldtimerfair in Rosmalen. We saw a lot of nice bikes, some very old like a Harley from 1921 and some new classics like a Honda CX500 Turbo or a beautiful Laverda 750.

At the Oldtimerfair in Rosmalen


January 11, 2017

This morning, at four AM, we woke up from a noise. My wife thought she heard a window breaking so I went downstairs to check if there were no burglars.
Because there was nobody breaking in our house but my wife was sure the noise was glass breaking I got my flashlight and went outside to check the neighbours houses and the cars. I found nothing.
Just when I decided to go back to sleep, i saw what had caused the breaking glass noise.
A shelf with cups and saucers on it had collapsed and the cups and saucers lay on the floor. Some were broken.

The broken cups and saucers on the floor


January 2, 2017

It was freezing cold and raining yesterday but today the sun was shining, it was dry and the temperature was about five degrees Celcius. Perfect weather for a ride.
Via the Oesterdam I went to Tholen in Zeeland, a nice little village with a marina. Via Halsteren en Bergen op Zoom, I went back home again.

A windmill and the churchtower of Tholen in the background


January 1, 2017

This afternoon I got the Honda 400 from the garage for a short ride. My annual 1 January ride. Unfortunately it started to rain. Rain and below zero temperatures is not a good combination when riding a two-wheeler so it was just a short ride. But it was a good way to start 2017 anyway.

2017 New Years ride



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021