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My weblog archive

January 2023

January 29, 2023

The auditorium of our church was getting to small for the numer of people and the last three weeks, the auditorium was made twice as big by opening a wall to another room next to it.
It is completely new with new light and sound equipment and this morning was the first service in the new auditorium. After the service we had coffee and lots of home made cakes that many churchmembers had baked.

The first service (with the new sound and light equipment)


January 28, 2023

After a few months waiting, my father-in-law finaly got a place in a nursing home and today we moved him and his things to his new home in Bergen op Zoom.
With a whole team of family members and a hired van, we got everything in his new rooms, in one day work.

Unloading the van


January 21, 2023

This morning I went to the Police Academy in Ossendrecht for an article about the "Police Experience Day". This day was organised by the recrutement department of the police to show people how interesting it is to work for the police.

They had some interesting activities and demo's. The demo with the police dogs was very impressive. Don't mess with a police dog !

The 'criminal' is arrested

In the evening I went to the theater show of Milène van der Smissen, a Dutch singer who sings a lot of Dolly Partons songs and tells about Dolly Partons life in this show.

I wrote an article about this too.

Milène van der Smissen and Wijtze Valkema


January 19, 2023

Our son Vincent took a motorcycle safety training at ridingschool DEK in Goes today and I went with him to film it for our Motormobilist Youtube channel. The video will most likely be online friday next week.
Before we went to the traing area, we went to Motoport in Goes to buy a new helmet and motorcyclingpants for Vincent because he needed them new after he damaged the old helmet and pants with his accident.

Our bikes at the motorcycle shop

Vincent busy with his safety training


January 18, 2023

Today I picked up my Goldwing that stayed the weekend at Motorservice Ossendrecht because I rode home on the BMW last saturday.
It is a little crowded in my garage now but it does fit. Now I have to make a decission every day which bike to ride 😉.

Two 1200's in one garage


January 14, 2023

I had the BMW R1200GS for sale because it is to high for me but then I realised I could also lower it with a special lowering kit.
Today I picked the lowered BMW up and it is perfect for me now. It is no problem getting on the bike now and I can get my feet flat on the ground on both sides.

Of course I recorded a video that will be on our Motormobilist channel in a few weeks time.

The lowered BMW in front of Motorservice Ossendrecht


January 9, 2023

Today we recorded a new Motormobilist video in Vincents back yard. In this video we talk about how we got our motorcycle drives license. I did it in 1975 and Vincent in 2020.
The video will be on line next friday on our Motormobilist channel.

In Vincents back yard


January 1, 2023

Every year I try to do a New Year's Ride on my motorcycle. This year I made a little tour through the municipality of Woensdrecht, the municipality where I live.

From Hoogerheide, I went through Calfven to Ossendrecht and from Ossendrecht to Putte and then via Huijbergen back to Hoogerheide.

Riding past the church in Hoogerheide

The weather was very nice and I had a wonderful ride. A good start of the year.



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Last modified: 11 March 2023
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021