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My weblog archive

January 2011

January 29, 2011

In the Februari issue of the Dutch biker magazine Bigtwin was my article about the Saxon motorcycles that I made a few months ago.

The article in the Bigtwin

I wrote the article and took the pictures in August 2010. It is a nice two page article so I'm happy with it


January 19, 2011

Last weekend there was a cyclo-cross competition in Huijbergen. I made some pictures there and one of my pictures is used in the local newspaper, the "Woensdrechtse Bode".

The article in the Bode

A few weeks ago, a picture I made was in the " Slagwerkkrant".

The article in the Slagwerkkrant


January 14, 2011

A few days ago our dentist did not look when he left his parkingspot and ran into the door of our Volkswagen Passat. Today the insurance expert came to look at the car and he thinks the damage is only a few hundred euro's, while it is a lot more. In fact the car is a total-loss now so we have to look for another (cheap) car.

The damage to our car

Fortunately everything works so we can use the car until we have another one.


January 9, 2011

This Sunday we drove 150 km to visit my oldest son and his wife and daughter. Together we went to the "Jong & Vrij" church in Nijkerk.
That church has grown so hard that they had to move from the auditorium in the school they used to use fror the Sunday service to a big convention center. There were about a thousand !!! people in that room and if so many people are singing together with a magnificent band, it is really impressive !

Church service with about a thousand people

After the church service, we had dinner in a very nice "all you can eat" restaurant before we drove the 150 km back home.


January 7, 2011

My wife and I take care of our grandson Tygo when his parents have to work so he spends a lot of time at our house.
Here he is "making music" on the keyboard with his grandma.

Playing the keyboard

As you can see on his face, he also likes chocolate cookies


January 1, 2011

Like every year on the 1st of January, I made my new-years ride today. Fortunately most of the snow is gone now and the main roads are clean. The BMW had been in the garage for a few weeks because of the snow and it felt good to be riding it again.

The BMW in Belgium

I went South into Belgium and made this picture with snow on it and the sign "Motor stilleggen".
In Belgium (in Flemish) they mean "Shut off the engine while waiting for the railroad crossing" but for Dutch people it reads like "Lay down your bike".


January 1, 2011 (very early in the morning)

Happy New Year to all my friends and family.


In the street behind our house was a nice firework by my daughters boyfriend and some of our neighbours..



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg