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My weblog archive

February 2011

February 24, 2011

Today I needed some fresh air so this morning I put on my bike gear and rolled the BMW out of the garage for a short ride. The weather is not to bad. It is not raining and not freezing but a lot of fog. No problem for me, I use the secondary roads with almost no traffic and have a good time.
In Belgium, in the village Hoek, there is a speed sign that tells me I'm doing 188 km/h. That is interesting because my BMW will need a turbocharger to get that speed ;-)

"You are riding 188 km / hour !!"

At the next crossroad I turn around and ride back to that sign. I need a picture of it because you don't see that everyday.


February 11, 2011

Yesterday my third grandchild was born, Yara, the daughter of my daughter. Today she arrived home from the hospital.

The proud parents with their daughter Yara

My two granddaughters, Amy and Yara


February 7, 2011

Fortunately I had to telework from home today so I did not had to get up very early. Now I'm in my study, with two laptops in front of me, doing my work (with a short break for lunch and to write this ).

A bird in the tree next to the window of my study


February 6, 2011

Late in the evening, we got a phonecall that there had been a murder in Bergen op Zoom. Michiel and I went there with photo and video cameras and heard that someone was killed in a house and the police had started an investigation. We had an interview with the press officer from the police (you can see it on our website

The CSI unit of the local police is entering the house

When we had enough pictures, video footage and information we went home and wrote an article about it.
I had planned to go to bed early this evening but that did not happen this time.......



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg