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My weblog archive

March 2011

March 13, 2011

After not making TV programs for a year, we started again with making the "RegioActueel Weekjournaal", a weekly newsprogram with news from our region that is broadcasted from the regional television station.
Since we can use the studio of the television station, we can make it even better then last time. We found, Kim, a nice young lady, to present the news so we are getting a much more professional looking program.

Kim and Vincent in the studio for the "Regioactueel Weekjournaal".


March 7, 2011

Today was the big carnaval parade in our town and our "company car" was part of it. The boyfriend of my daughter was driving and one of my sons made pictures.

The Suzuki in carnaval outfit

On will be a report with pictures of the carnaval parade.


March 1, 2011

Last week I needed a new clutchcable for the BMW and in the shop in Ossendrecht they had a nice topcase to replace the very unpractical BMW topcase.
Today the clutchcable and the topcase were mounted on the bike and I like it.

The BMW with the new topcase

Because of its square shape, it is much more practical and I think it looks good. I may change the mounting a bit someday because it is mounted on top of the BMW topcase mountingplate but for now its OK for me.



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg