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My weblog archive

December 2010

December 23, 2010

We sold a picture I made at the Cyclo cross last week to a local newspaper. The newspaper with the article with the picture was in the mailbox today.

The article with my picture

The newspaper is the "Woensdrechtse Bode" and the article was also published in the "Bergen op Zoomse Bode".


December 21, 2010

It is snowing a lot the last few days and the Dutch Railroad Company has half of it's trains broken down becaause of the extreme weather.

This morning I tried to get to work. The bus to the station was only a few minutes late but the train I wanted to get on, did not show up at all. The next train was to full with people so nobody was allowed to get in. That was the moment I decided to go back home and work from my home office.

The view from my home office (with the GoldWing in a bottle)

Now I am sitting at my desk, working at the laptop. (well, actually, I just took a short break to write this and drink a cup of coffee).
I hope the trains will run better tomorrow.


December 19, 2010

Vincent and I went to the forest nearby where a cyclocross competition was going on in the snow.

Here I am filming a cyclist in the snow. (Picture made by Vincent)

We made a photo and video report on Vincent did most of the photography and I used my Nikon D300s to make a video


December 1, 2010

The work on our house is finished now. The house is looking so much better now, with all new doors and windows.

The rear facade of our house

It was not cheap but the result is just what we hoped for. It looks good and we don't have to paint the door- and window frames anymore.



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg