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My weblog archive

November 2010

November 29, 2010

Outside it is freezing two degrees Celcius and inside our dining room it is almost as cold as outside because the window is gone. The are now replacing the rotten old wooden window frames.

Very good ventilation in our dining room.....

Tonight it will be warm again with new window frames and double glazing but now it is very cold.......and tomorrow they will start with the big windows of our living room........


November 27, 2010

With a group of collegues from the newspaper my wife works for, we had a nice boat trip from Drimmelen to Dordrecht and back. Through the "Biesbosch" a nature reserve, we went to the "Hollands Diep", under the road and rail bridges near Moerdijk.

The Moerdijk Bridges

In Dordrecht we had a guided tour, walking through the old city center with its very nice buildings and then we went back to the boat.

Walking in Dordrecht

When we arrived at the boat is was already dark. On the trip back to Drimmelen, we enjoyed a very good dinner so it was no problem we could not see anything outside.


November 23, 2010

Today the contractor started with replaceing all my door and windows and frames with plastic. The old wood was rotten and needed a lot of maintenance but with the plastic windows and frames, we just have to clean it now and then.

I'm sure it will look good in the end but now our house is a mess because of the work and because we had to move a lot of furniture to get free access to the windows for the contractor.


November 1, 2010

Beside my work as a freelance fotographer, I worked for a bank but since November 1, almost all IT staff from the bank is outsourced to IBM so now I work as an IT-Architect for IBM.

It was not my first choice to work for a "service provider" but I have to make the best of it. The nice thing is, they gave me a nice Thinkpad notebook to work on and there is no problem with working from my home office.



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg