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My weblog archive

October 2010

October 28, 2010

Since a week now, I have my own company, JKr media and JKr Fotografie. Since I make pictures for Bigtwin and others, I needed to have a way to make it official.
Of course I have my own company website,

I hope that one day I will have so many customers that I can earn my salary with it but for now I have to keep working in IT to support my family.


October 23, 2010

Saturdayevening I went to the theater in Bergen op Zoom with my youngest son. We watched the musical "Rocky over the Rainbow".
Rocky over the Rainbow is a crossover of "The wizard of Oz" and the campy musical "The Rocky Horror Show" from the 70's. It was a very weird show but very very funny.

Normaly it is not allowed to bring a camera in the theater but because I was there to write an article for our news website, I had permission to take pictures. The only condition was that I had to show the pictures for approval before I could publish them but that was no problem.


October 9, 2010

My oldest son Sjoerd and his band Saymore had a concert in Club Panama in Amsterdam and Vincent was asked to take pictures.
He did not like to go alone because it is a long and very boring ride from our house to Amsterdam so I joined him. I did take a camera, the Nikon D5000, with me (I feel naked when I am at a concert without a camera) and took some pictures of the show.

It was a good performance, we did make some nice pictures and early Sunday-morning we arrived back home.


October 1, 2010

Today the new Bigtwin, the October issue was in the bookstore. They had my article with a lot of pictures of the Harley Day in Breda in this issue.

My article about the Saxon Motorcycles will probably be in the December issue.



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg