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My weblog archive

November 2019

November 30, 2019

Today I wrote an article about the show 'Rembrandt & De Gouden Eeuw' in the local theater in our village.
It was a nice multimedia show about the famous Dutch painter Rembrandt and the period he lived in.

In the theater

It was nice to chat with the artists and to take some pictures of the show.
The article (in Dutch) with pictures is on


November 19, 2019

Today I got the final results from the 2019 Dutch Lever action competition, organised by the WLASSH (Winchester Lever Action Shooters Society Holland).
In the 'Trapper' class (25 meter standing) I ended in thirteenth place from sixty-seven competitors and in the 'legacy'class (50 meter standing), I ended in seventh place from forty-three competitors.

'Legacy'class result


November 17, 2019

For the third time this year, the WLASSH had organised a lever action shooting match. This time it was in Bussum, in the center of the Netherlands. It was more then one and a half hour driving but it was a nice match.
I did not shoot very well today but I had fun anyway and I was happy to talk to the Dutch importer of Henry rifles, about some issues with my rifle.

Prices and presents

Everyone got a WLASSH mug and some chocolat. The winners got prices (but I did not win).


November 15, 2019

We needed seed to feed our three chicken so we went to a big garden center nearby. In this time of the year, they always have a christmas exhibition with model houses and a model train.
This year, it was disapointing because they did not build the beautiful model railway they used to build. It was an exhibition with only the little snowy houses they have for sale.

A a huge plush mammoth and lots of little houses


November 10, 2019

This Sunday, we went to church in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, to the church that our youngest son and his wife go to on Sunday.
Today was a special day because our youngest son was baptized.

Baptism by immersion

After the church service, we went to their house for a lunch with family.


November 9, 2019

On my way home, from the opening of an art exposition in Putte, I was riding my bicycle through a forrest, when I noticed some strange dead trees, with lots of mushrooms growing on it.

Dead trees with mushrooms


November 8, 2019

Today, the weather was fine AND I had some time to spend, so a good time for a motorbike ride. I got my BMW boxer from the garage and went to Motorservice Ossendrecht.
After a coffee and a chat, I got on my BMW again and went to Motoport in Goes.
In Goes, they have a nice collection of beautiful restored classic BMW's and a showroom with new BMW's and Harleys.
After looking at all the bikes in the showroom and a coffee, I started my BMW again for the ride home.

Classic BMW's in the Motoport showroom

I needed a special wrench for the oil fillercap of my BMW so I stopped at 'De Knalpot' on my way home but unfortunately (and to my surprise) they did not have it in stock.
When I left De Knalpot, my fuel light started burning so before I went home, I filled my petrol tank at the ESSO petrol station close to where I live.


November 3, 2019

This afternoon I went to Heemskerk in the North of Holland for a APS-DSR shooting match. I went there together with a friend from our shooting club. It was a nice match and we enjoyed it very much.

After the match, I went to Bergen op Zoom for a dinner with family to celebrate the birthdays of two of my grandsons.

Dinner at 'De Watertuin' in Bergen op Zoom


November 1, 2019

Together we moved a sunshade from our daughter her neighbours house, to our daughters house. The old lady next door had moved to a retirement home and my daughter could have the sunshade is we removed it ourself

So, my daughter her husband, her father in law, one of my sons and I took some stepladders and tools and with some effort, we removed the sunshade from its old location and moved it to our daughters house.

The sunshade at our daughters house



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021