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My weblog archive

March 2020

March 31, 2020,

Today I did a 24 km bicycle tour in the morning and in the afternoon I went to Motorservice Ossendrecht with my BMW so John could mount the windshield spoiler I ordered some time ago.
With this spoiler, the noise from the wind against my helmet is a lot less so I am happy with it.

The spoiler on my windshield


March 27, 2020,

Today I tried a longer longer bicycle tour. I did the same ride as I did on Wednesday to the railway and traffic bridges over the Schelde-Rijnkanaal, but now in opposite direction and after I crossed the A4, I did not went home but turned right and took the narrow country road to Ossedrecht and via Ossendrecht I went back home. It was 25,6 kilometer and I enjoyed it to be outside in the sun and the fresh air.

At the bridges over the Schelde-Rijnkanaal


March 25, 2020,

This morning I got on my bicycle for my morning excercise and in the afternoon, I made a motorbike ride to Roosendaal to check out one of my favorite motorcycles, the Royal Enfield Himalayan.
On my way back, I took the long scenic way home and with the wonderful weather we have today, It felt like holiday.

The cockpit of the Royal Enfield Himalayan

The Royal Enfield Himalayan at the motorcycle fair in Februari


March 23, 2020,

Belgium closed its border because of the corona-crisis. Only people who have a special permit may cross the border (like our son in law who has to go to work in a petshop in Antwerp).
The Belgian police has blocked most border crossings with big containers and has checkpoints at the other border crossings like the one in Putte, close to where we live.

Police checkpoint at the border in Putte


March 22, 2020,

Because of the corona-crisis, we can not meet in person so now we have family meetings using Skype on the laptop and computer.

Family meeting corona-style


March 20, 2020,

Today I did anotther small motorcycle trip. This afternoon, I got my BMW from the garage en rode to Bergen op Zoom and from there to Tholen, Oud-Vossemeer and Steenbergen and then back to Bergen op Zoom and back home.

Old WW2 bunkers near Steenbergen


March 18, 2020,

Dispite the corona threat, I needed to get out of the house and on the motorcycle to enjoy the nice weather.
I made a short trip from my house to Kruiningen in Zeeland over the two-lane road and from Kruiningen I used the single lane road along the Westerschelde dike until Rilland. Then I went home via Ossendrecht and Calfven.

The road along the Westerschelde dike

It is funny that now, motorcycling is one of the safe things to do


March 17, 2020,

There is not much to do due to the corona-virus and our daughter needed some things from the supermarket yesterday so we cycled to the supermarket and from there to our daughter her house.
We had a coffee and then we cycled to Huijbergen and back via a scenic route.

Cycling near Huijbergen

Today we did some shopping for my father-in-law and we cycled to his house in Ossendrecht. Now the fitness is closed, we cycle as much as possible to stay in shape.


March 14, 2020,

Always look at the bright side of life.

Almost all activities have been canceled because of the corona-virus but the weather is very nice, so took my BMW R858R for a ride into Zeeland. It was very quiet on the roads and I enjoyed my ride to Goes and from there via the road along the Westerschelde dike, past the little villages Waarde and Rilland and through Belgium back home.

The windmill in Waarde


March 11, 2020,

Because of the corona-virus outbreak, some of our grandchildren could not go to school and because their mother had to work they stayed with us. Together with our daughter and some of her children, we went for a walk in the forest.
Our grandson loved to jump in the puddles of water with his new boots.

Jumping in a puddle of water


March 4, 2020,

We had a lot of rain lately but today is a bright sunny day so when I had to bring one of my guns to the gunshop for a modification, I got on my BMW motorbike to get there.
After my visit to the gunshop, I took the scenic road to Goes via the fishing harbour of Yerseke.

A fishing boat in the background in Yerseke

In Goes I visited Motoport, a big motorcycleshop, had a cup of coffee, chatted with a salesman about GoldWings and then took the scenic route home.


March 1, 2020,

Today I attended the 3K Run 'n Gun competition in Hulten and I won my 4th 'Super Senior' trophy.(a ranking for participants of sixty years and older).
We could not do the obstacle course with our own rifles because of Dutch law but had to carry a wooden dummy on the course.

'Super Senior' trophy at the 3K Run 'n Gun



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021