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My weblog archive

March 2019

March 29, 2019

Friday evening, we had a 'thank you' dinner for my brother who did a lot of work after my parents past away.
We, my sisters, brother in law, sister in law and my wife and I, went to restaurant 'De Boerderij by Charrels' in Voorburg for a very fine dinner and we had a very pleasant evening together.

Dinner at 'De Boerderij by Charrels'


March 23, 2019

The past few days, my wife and I worked hard in our backyard. We moved the chicken den to the center of the yard, made a fence to keep the chicken from the terras and planted a lot of plants in the garden.

Our backyard (or little chicken farm )


March 22, 2019

The weather was nice and I had some time this afternoon so I went for a nice ride with my BMW. First I visited some friends, then I took the scenic route to Rilland for some shopping and then I took the road allong the Westerschelde dyke to Waarde. After a chat with two other bikers on a viewpoint on the dyke, I went back home.

The BMW where it belongs, on a nice narrow country road


March 10, 2019

In the severe storm today, a tree in our backyard, a syringa, went down. We saw it coming so I ran outside to push it in a safe direction to avoid damage.

The storm was to much for this tree


March 8, 2019

Together with my oldest sister and my wife, I went to the exhibition "De Lage Landen" with paintings from the National museum, in the Markiezenhof in Bergen op Zoom.

Admiring the paintings in the museum


March 7, 2019

This afternoon, we finished the new roof on the chicken coop in our backyard. The old roof was leaking so we replaced it with a better one.

The chicken coop in our backyard


March 4, 2019

When it is Carnival in our region, we try to publish an article about all four villages in our community on All villages have another name in the carnival period. Huijbergen is called 't Sanegat, Woensdrecht and Hoogerheide together are called Wjeeldrecht, Ossendrecht is called Ostrecht and Putte is renamed to Put & Buntland.

Our son Michiel attended the carnival parade in 't Sanegat and I did the other three. Today, on Monday, is the carnival parade in Wjeeldrecht. It was a nice parade with a lot of spectators.

Carnival parade in Wjeeldrecht



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021