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My weblog archive

February 2019

February 24, 2019

Yesterday, Saturday, my wife and I both were ill. We did not eat and felt very sick. I had to cancel the 3K Run'n Gun shooting match that I had planned to, to go to on Sunday. For running three kilometers with obstacles and shooting rifle and pistol with a steady hand you need a good condition and that was not the case.

Fortunately, I was feeling much better on Sunday morning. We watched our churchservice via the livestream from our church.
Then a scooter stopped in front of our house and when I opened the door, my old friend Robert was there. We had a coffee and then we went for a nice motorcycle/scooter ride to Yerseke and Goes in Zeeland.

At the fishing harbour of Yerseke

It was perfect wheather for a ride so we enjoyed it very much.
Although I was sorry that I missed the shooting match, I was very happy to ride with my friend again. It had to be that way.


February 22, 2019

As a 'thank you' for writing about the theater-program in the local theater in our village, we got free tickets for this friday evening show, 'So long Cohen' by Ernest Beuving en Bas Steman and their band.
It was a very nice show and we had a great evening.

So long Cohen in Theater Kloosterhof


February 18, 2019

It is halfway February and it is supposed to be winter but it is 14 degrees Celsius and sunny outside.
Flowers start to grow and bees are collecting honey. Nature is confused !

Flowers and bees in Februari


February 15, 2019

For, I went to Bergen op Zoom to take pictures and write an article about an art exhibition.
I left the Toyota at the parking near the town-office and walked to the galerie and the museum.

Our Toyota at the parking


February 14, 2019

That is what you get if you leave your motorcycle in the garage for too long. It won't start because of a flat battery. Fortunately, one of my sons was home and after a little push the bike started and I had a nice ride this afternoon.

Pushing to start the BMW



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021