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My weblog archive

April 2019

April 28, 2019

After a visit to the 'Motion Church' in Utrecht, the church where our oldest son is the drummer in the church band, we went to a castle in Amerongen.
It is very unique because the interior is the orginal interior as the last occupants left it. The library has books from the 17th century to 1977 when the last occupants left it and handed the castle over to a foundation to preserve it.

The interior of the castle in Amerongen

After a nice pizza at our oldests son his house, we went home again.


April 27, 2019

Today we did a lot of work in our front yard and it looks a lot better now. Our next project is to get nice grass on the empty spaces were grass used to be.

Our front yard


April 24, 2019

We bought a 'bee hotel' for our back yard. It provides a shelter for wild bee's and other insects and the first bee's already found it.

A wild bee in our bee hotel


April 18, 2019

It really is spring now and the apple tree in our backyard looks wonderful, full of blossom.

Our apple tree


April 14, 2019

I got out of bed at seven in the morning and at eight o'clock I was leaving home for the almost three hour ride to Schietsportvereniging Drachten for a APS-DSR shooting match.
They organised a very nice competition with six stages and it was the first time I got to the last stage. I enjoyed it very much.
As a souvenir, I bought a safety chamber-flag with their clublogo.

I bought a safety chamber-flag with the 'Schietsportvereniging Drachten' clublogo


April 13, 2019

With three of our grandchildren, we visited the 'Terra Maris' museum in Oostkapelle in Zeeland.

The name Terra Maris means “land from the sea” and the museum is about the natural scenery and the history of the landscape of Zeeland.

A replica of a motte-and-bailey castle on the museum grounds


April 10, 2019

I was not feeling very well today, so I went for a walk in the fresh air to clear my head. Fortunately, we live in a very nice area to go for a walk so I enjoyed the time outside and I felt much better when I came home again.

Nice scenery to walk through



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021