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My weblog archive

March 2009

March 22, 2009

For I went to Huijbergen to write a report of the "Ronde van Huijbergen", a bicycle race.
I am not very fond on bicycle-racing but I do like sports photography. The weather was great and I went there on the BMW so it was a nice day and I had some nice pictures.

Official on his bike, watching the bicycle-racers


March 16, 2009

To finance my trips and work, I have to work for a bank during the week (except for fridays).

This is where I work every day


March 14, 2009

This evening we went to the show "An + Jan doen de TOP 100 ALLER TIJDEN".
Jan Rot is a Dutch singer and songwriter. He translates populair songs to Dutch but not with a literal translation of the text but by translating the whole "story" to a Dutch environment.

It was a nice show and after the show, we bought their latest CD.

Jakob Klaasse, Marjolein Meijers, Jan Rot and Jan van der Meij


March 6, 2009

The weather is not bad for the time of the year so when I had to go to Ossendrecht to get some pictures for, I took the BMW.
After the shoot I went to Ossendrecht for, I drove into Belgium to get some more pictures, but now just for fun. I parked the BMW next to a field with the leftovers of the last mais crop and took some nice pictures.

I am glad the real winter with snow and ice on the roads is gone. I don't mind the cold to much but I hate slippery roads.



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg