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My weblog archive

April 2009

April 25, 2009

Today I bought a new lens for my camera. It is a lens I wanted for a long time. It is a 70-200mm f/2.8 lens that I can use on my Fuji and Nikon DSLR camera and that is very usefull for action- and sports photography.

My new lens

Because we have bicycle races in out neighbourhood very ofter I think I will use it a lot. It is a very good quality lens so it it possible to take good pictures when the light is not so bright.


April 23, 2009

When I came home from work yesterdayevening, I saw two cats, one of our cats and another cat, playing with a young bird.
I picked up the bird and together with my wife and my son, we put it back in it's nest.

The young bird we tried to save

Unfortunately, this morning, when I was working at home, I heard a sound and saw one of our rats, I mean cats, that had managed to escape from the house, who had cought the small bird again. I ran after it and finaly the cat left the bird on the ground and again I put it back, high in the tree, close to his parents who where calling him (or her).
An hour or so later, one of the neighbours told me that he saw another cat that finaly killed the young bird. :-(



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg