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February 2009

Februari 22, 2009

Yesterday I went to "Ostrecht" (Ossendrecht) to do an item for about the arival of the Carnival Prince in town. On the picture below is the arrival of the Prince at the old townhall.

The Carnival prince of "Ostrecht" is arriving at the old town hall

In the evening I attended a special carnival church service in the Catholic church in "Wjeeldrecht" (Hoogerheide/Woensdrecht). The service was carried out by the priest and the carnival prince of "Wjeeldrecht". For this I also did an item on with some pictures.

The Carnival church service in "Wjeeldrecht"

At first, I did not know what to think of it but after the service I had to admit that it was not bad. The people were very serious about it, it was a nice service and after the service, te people attending the service could get something to drink and a snack.


Februari 14, 2009

Today we had the first serious real life test of our five meter high tripod. To get nice pictures of the carnaval parade in Wouwse Plantage, we used the tripod, secured to the bullbar of our Suzuki Samurai 4X4.

Our camera construction

It worked perfect. We parked the car on a nice spot, a little more then an hour before the parade started and installed our equipment. When the parade started, my son Vincent got in the car with a laptop computer to control his Nikon D70s that was high in the air. One of the pictures we made is here.

One of the pictures we made today (picture by Vincent)


Februari 12, 2009

Today I am working on my laptop from home, using a VPN connection to the office. In my lunchbreak I took some pictures of my grandson Tygo who is almost eleven weeks old now.

My grandson Tygo


Februari 8, 2009

For the photography course I am doing, I needed to make some glamour pictures. To make those pictures I needed a model and a studio so then my search started.
It took some time but finaly I found a small company in The Hague that has a nice studio and a model, Veronika, for the pictures. Now I could take the pictures I needed for my course.

The model, Veronika, in the studio in The Hague

I went to The Hague by train and arrived with time to spare.
On my way back home I was not so lucky. I was tired and hungry when I arrived at the station and I was looking forward to the trainride home with time to relax and eat some small breads I bought.
Unfortunately there was a problem with the electricity so there were no trains riding from The Hague to Rotterdam :-(
Because my parents live nearby, I called them and my father drove to the station to pick me up. I had a coffee and relaxed a bit at my parents house and later that evening, my wife drove all the way to my parents house to bring me home after we had another coffee with my parents.


Februari 2, 2009

Last month, Vincent and I build a five meters high tripod to make "aerial" photos and this afternoon we did some tests with it.

On top of the tripod was my Nikon S210 with the timer set on ten seconds.
After pressing the button, we had ten seconds to get the tripod vertical and steady but it worked out very well.


Februari 1, 2009

Yesterday and today, Hoogerheide was the home of the Cyclo-Cross World Championships 2009 and we as regioactueel team made a few articles with a lot of photos of the event. In spite of the very cold weather we had a very good time (but very cold hands and feet).
We had official UCI press cards and had to wear a yellow "UCI PHOTO" vest.

I used my Fuji S5 with the 18-200 lens and the Nikon D70s with the 70-300 lens and I was happy with the pictures I made. It is so much easier to make these pictures if you are there as an official press photographer.



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg