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My weblog archive

September 2013

September 29, 2013

All my muscles hurt.... Today I had a one day "off road" course in the forests and fields around Tilburg.
It was organised by Motor Trails and together with two other riders who did the course an instructor and two helpers, I spend all day riding on places I never thought I would be able to ride..

Here you see me riding the Suzuki DR-Z 400

We used Suzuki DR-Z 400 off road bikes and had to wear full motocross gear with all protectors so we looked like pro's .
I had a wonderful day and a very good workout !


September 28, 2013

During the trip I made with my wife yesterday, my "handlebar camera" broke down so I needed a new one. I bought a Nikon S31 waterproof and shockproof camera so I don't have to worry anymore when it starts raining when I have the camera on the handlebar.

My new camera for use on the motorcycle


September 27, 2013

This afternoon, my wife and I went to Roosendaal on our motorcycles to help a friend of us with her computer. Then we went to a motyorcycle shop (I saw a nice GoldWing GL1200) and from there to Tholen to pick up some things my wife bought. We drove home via the Oesterdam and there I made the very last picture with my Fuji AX300 before my camera finaly broke down.

The very last picture with the Fuji AX300 camera, on the Oesterdam


September 23, 2013

Last weekend, we had a family-weekend with the Krijtenburg family, my parents, my brother and sisters and our spouses, children and grandchildren.
We had six holidayhomes on a holidaypark. On Saturday morning we played indoor golf with the whole family and on Saturday evening we had a big family dinner.

Our home for the family-weekend

On Sunday, we all went to church in Roosendaal and then we had a family lunch in our holiday home.


September 15, 2013

On every third Sunday in September, there is an "Amerikanendag" in Lepelstraat, a small village near Bergen op Zoom. It is an event for American cars, trucks and motorcycles. I went there to make an article for

Harley Davidsons at the "Amerikanendag" in Lepelstraat

The weather predictions were bad but it turned out to be a nice sunny day. There were a lot of very nice American cars, from a new Corvette to a very old Cadillac, old Ford and Chevy V8 pickup trucks, a big truck and a lot of Harley Davidsons in different sizes and shapes and one Victory (another American motorcycle manufacturer).


September 7, 2013

Today we visited the combined Late Summer Fair and Open Doors Day at BMW motorcycle specialist "De Knalpot". A fun event to go to and a nice subject for a news article.

I went there first and my wife came later. Unfortunately, when parking her Honda something went wrong. The Honda was not stable on its sidestand and when it fell she tried to stop it and hurt her leg doing so. We did walked around on the fair and the motorcycle shop but after a while we got on the bikes to ride back home because her leg was hurting to much.

At "De Knalpot" and Late SUmmer Fair in Rilland


September 6, 2013

My wife and I went to Bergen op Zoom this afternoon. After a visit to our son and a walk in the city center, we went to Stayokay, in the forest, just outside Bergen op Zoom, to have lunch.

At the parking of Stayokay


September 1, 2013

This afternoon I went to Café Die Twee in Bergen op Zoom to make an article about their anual American Day for

American Day at Café "Die Twee"



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021