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October 2011

October 30, 2011

I had a very nice ride yesterday and I wanted more so I left for a short trip this afternoon. Past Steenbergen I went to Willemstad, an old fortified city with a harbour. Then I went back home. Most of the time I spend on backroads, enjoying the scenery and my bike. I think I spend an hour or three in the saddle.


While I stopped near a canal, to make some picture, someone walking by, asked if I would like a picture of myself. I agreed and she made a nice picture.

A friendly lady offered to take my picture with my camera.


October 29, 2011

Sometimes I just need to get out of the house en get on the bike for a ride. This afternoon, I jumped on my blue GoldWing and pointed the bike in the direction of the "Oesterdam" in the province Zeeland. After riding on the dam, I crossed the bridge into Tholen where I stopped at a small harbour.

The Wing near a small harbour in Tholen.

Then I drove some narrow roads until I came on the main road to Steenbergen. From Steenbergen, I took the road past Halsteren and the last part on my way home was on the freeway.

I would love to ride to Spain, Norway or Turkey or another far away destination but for now I am happy I have a bike that I can get on to make a short trip, like the one I made today, when I need to get out.


October 15, 2011

This afternoon I returned from a short trip to Luxembourg. I left yesterday and drove to Consdorf in Luxembourg. I made a reservation at a hotel for that night.
On my way to Consdorf I did avoid freeways and I had a great ride. In the evening I had a very tasty dinner at the hotel and spend the rest evening browsing the internet on my netbook and watching TV and went to bed early.

This morning I had a relaxed morning. I stayed in bed untill eight o'clock and then I had a shower and breakfast before I started the GoldWing again. Via Echternach I went to the castle of Beaufort to get a picture of it and then to Vianden to get a picture of that castle too.

The castle of Vianden in the background.

From Vianden I went North, through Germany and Belgium in to Vaals in the Netherlands. I arrived home just in time for dinner and had two wonderful days on the GoldWing. You van view more pictures of this trip on my travel page.


October 13, 2011

My wife bought us tickets for the theatre show of Chris Hinze. Chris is a world traveler who makes video and composes music and plays the German flute.

Chris Hinze on stage in theatre "De Maagd".

On a big screen in the theatre, he shows video's with music of places he has been like Ibiza, Jamaica,Namibia, India, Japan and Tibet. Between the video's, he tells about the countries and during the videos he plays the German flute.
It was nice to go there with my wife and it was very interesting performance.


October 10, 2011

This afternoon I had to go to a shop and did not take the car or bike but went there on foot. After visiting the shops in the main street of our village, I took the touristic way home, through a small forest.

Beautiful scenery, only a few hundred meters from my home.

It was nice and relaxing to walk in the fields and forest and I am happy I don't live in a big city but in a small village with lots of green around it.


October 5, 2011

After the Honda CB400T had it's service, I wanted to make a testride so this afternoon I got the little Honda from the garage for a spin. First I filled the tank at the gasstation where one of my sons works and then I found a nice road through the forest.

The Honda on a dirtroad in the forest near Wouw.

I really enjoy riding this little Honda. For a bike thirtythree years old, it is in remarkable good condition.


October 2, 2011

This weekend we had our annual Krijtenburg family weekend. Every year, my parents, brother and sisters and their partners and children, stay a weekend on a hollidaycamp. This saturday afternoon, we did some games and had dinner at "De Walkant", a nice restaurant just outside Woensdrecht.

The whole family in "De Walkant"

We were there with thirty people, twentyseven adults and three little children (my grandchildren). This weekend we were very lucky with the weather. We had sunshine and 20+ degrees Celcius temperatures every day.



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg