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Riding my GoldWing in Luxembourg

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Last Thursday afternoon, I was watching travelchannel on TV and I realised that I really needed to make a small trip myself instead of watching people doing nice things on TV so I booked a hotelroom in Consdorf in Luxembourg and packed my toothbrush and some other things.

Friday morning I left home at about a quarter to eleven. At the Texaco gasstation near the Belgium border I filled the tank of the GoldWing and then left the Netherlands, in the direction of Wuustwezel in Belgium.
From Wuustwezel I drove to Brecht and then to Herentals.
The sun was shining and the GoldWing purred like a kitten. It felt good to be on the road again.

When we are traveling in this neighbourhood, we often stop in Herentals because there is a McDonald's, right on the roundabout where the main road goes.
Today was no exception. After about an hour riding, it was time for a break so I had a nice vanille Macshake.

After the refreshing milkshake, I started the GoldWing again and drove on, past Diest and Tiernen to Huy to cross the Meuse (Maas in Dutch). Just before Tienen I noticed a strange but nice house so I turned the bike and went back to get a picture of it.

A rather strange but nice house

When I arrived at Huy, I got stuck in a big traffic jam. It was in the narrow streets of this old city so there was no way to pass the cars with the big GoldWing. I think it took me almost half an hour to get out of Huy.
At almost three PM I stopped at a parking on the roadside of the N63 near Marche for a short break.

On the roadside of the N63 in Belgium

From Marche I had the scenic route to Bastogne and then it was only a few kilometers to the border of Luxembourg. The first thing what I did when I had crossed the border was to stop at a gasstation. Gasprices in the Netherlands are over € 1,70 per liter and in Luxembourg the charge you only € 1,30 for a liter so that makes a different.
At the gasstation I also had a coffee and some cake before I left.

Q8 Pommerloch at 17, Route de Bastogne in Pommerloch

From Pommerloch I followed the N15 to Ettelbrück but I made a small detour to ride through Esch-sur-Sûre. To get to Esch-sur-Sûre you have to go through a small tunnel through the mountain and then follow a very scenic and winding road next to the river Sûre.

The GoldWing in Esch-sur-Sûre with the castle on the mountaintop.

From Ettelbrück I drove on a very narrow road with some nice curves and hairpins past Cruchten and Nommern, past camping Auf Kengert (The camping we used to go to when I was a child), through Larochette and then to the Müllerthal to the hotel in Consdorf.

Larochette, with the remains of the castle
on the mountain behind the village.

Hotel "Le Moulin de Consdorf"
Rue du moulin 2
L-6211 Consdorf.

Remark d.d. March 17, 2015: The hotel has a new owner and the name has been changed into Pension Motorhotel The Mill and their website is :

I had selected this hotel because they mentioned a garage for motorcycles on their website but unfortunately the garage was occupied and there was no room for my GoldWing. Because the hotel is in a remote area and there was no rain expected, this was a dissapointment but not to bad.
After bringing my backpack and camerabag to my room, I had a wonderful dinner at the hotels restaurant.
I choose this;
- Vegetable soup and salmon paté
- Salad "Périgourdine"
(smoked duck, walnuts and lettuce)
- Rumsteak with pepper sauce, salad and fries
- Trio of sorbets (three balls of ice)
- Coffee

Vegetable soup and salmon paté

Rumsteak with pepper sauce, salad and fries

After this very good dinner, I went to my room. The room itself was nice. It had a big bathroom and a small TV and nice furniture. The only thing I did not like was that my room (room 4) was right above the kitchen so I could hear the hotel staff work and talk in the kitchen. Fortunately, after eleven PM, it was silent.
I guess other rooms in the hotel don't have this problem. Just my luck to have this room.

I had my little netbook with me and the hotel had free WiFi so in the evening, I could read my mail and browse some websites and forums.
After a very nice day of riding and a very good dinner, I finaly felt asleep in the comfortable bed in this nice hotel.

My comfortable bed in Hotel "Le Moulin de Consdorf"

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg, 2011