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June 2013

June 30, 2013

This weekend, we went to Den Helder for a classic, car- bike- boat-event. We went to Den Helder on Saturday morning and spend the night in a hotel and returned home on Sunday evening.

Click on the picture for a larger version

We saw a lot of beautiful cars, bikes, trucks and boats and I made a small boattrip with a view friends. There were bands playing, there was enough to eat and drink and the weather was very nice so we had a good weekend.
Not only did we enjoy the event in Den Helder but on our way to Den Helder, we visited some old friends and on our way home we visited my parents.


June 28, 2013

My wife bought a new secondhand desk yesterday and today I removed the old desk and put the new desk in place.

The new desk

Installing the desk was the easy part. Installing the computer with (almost) all the wiring out of sight was a lot more work but now it is done and it looks nice.


June 27, 2013

A big part of every working day, I spend sitting in a chair. A chair in the train, a chair behind my desk or a chair in a meeting room. To compensate a little for that, I try to walk for at least half an hour at every lunchbreak. In Amsterdam, in Rotterdam, in Woerden or where ever I have to work.
Today I am working in my home office via Internet and so I could walk that half hour in my own familiar environment.

Beautiful nature, just five minutes walking from my home

Fortunately, I live in a beautiful area. One of the few area's in the Netherlands that is not completely flat. Today I walked to the Noordpolder, a unique nature conservation area. It is on the border of the hills of the Brabantse Wal and the clay soil polders of Zeeland.


June 25, 2013

Every time I go to work in Amsterdam, the bus I have from the trainstation on Schiphol Airport rides along one of the runways. There is a plane spotters area near the McDonalds and today, on my way home, I left the bus at the busstop there and spend some time taking some pictures of planes with my old Minolta Z10 camera.

Turkish Airlines landing on Schiphol

After half an hour I took the next bus to the trainstation and went home.


June 22, 2013

One of the few things I did not like too much on my BMW is that it is not so smooth at low revs because of the emission standards. Especially on wet roads and roundabouts that can be annoying and even dangerous.

Yesterday, John, from Motorservice Ossendrecht, gave me an Power FRK unit to try. It is plug and play. Just mount it on the airfilter sensor connector and it works. It really does and now the bike runs smooth, even at low revs.

The Power FRK unit on the airfilter sensor

This morning I went back to Ossendrecht to buy the unit and on my way home I took the shortcut through the polder, on some dirtroads. Because it had been raining. my bike was covered with mud so when I came home, I had to clean it.


June 16, 2013

Today I wrote my first articles for RegioActueel since I returned from my trip to Gibraltar and Morocco. At first I went to the fair in Ossendrecht and then to Hoogerheide for the jumble sale at the Lucasplein.

At the jumble sale in Hoogerheide

You can read the articles HERE.


June 10, 2013

After 7782 kilometers in three and a half week, I arrived home after my trip to France, Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco and Portugal.

On the road in Morocco.

You can read the full tripreport HERE.



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021