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My weblog archive

December 2020

December 31, 2020,

Today I finished the GoPro helmet mount that I designed together with my son Michiel. A part was printed on a 3D printer, some parts were cut from plexiglass with a lasercutter and some parts are standard GoPro mounting things.

An actioncam (not a GoPro) on the new mounting


December 28, 2020,

Because of the corona-crisis, we could not celebrate Chrismas with the whole family in our house so we divided our Christmas meetings over a few days where we visited some of our children, some of them visited us and we had a Zoom meeting with others. The Christmas celebration of our church was online.
It was "different" but we had a good Christmas anyway.

Christmas 2020


December 22, 2020,

Today I tested the GoPro Hero 3 camera that I just bought secondhand a few days ago. I used my GoPro Hero 8, my cheap Chinese actioncam and my new (for me) GoPro Hero 3 to make a video for my YouTube channel.

If you like this video, please subscribe to my channel.


December 15, 2020,

Today I posted a video on Youtube that I shot yesterday.
A few days ago, I tested a microphone in my helmet but that did not work very well. Today I tested again with the microphone in another location and that worked a lot better. Not perfect but it will do for now.

You can find my Youtube channel HERE.

If you like this video, please subscribe to my channel.
If you don't like it, come back later so see if the next video is better.


December 11, 2020,

Today I edited a video that I shot on December 2 again. I added some shots and voiceover and also changed the whole editing.

You can find my Youtube channel HERE.

If you like this video, please subscribe to my channel.
If you don't like it, come back later so see if the next video is better.


December 10, 2020,

Today I tested a small microphone in my motorcycle helmet to find out if it was good enough to use for my Youtube videos. (spoiler: it wasn't).
It is also a little practice for VLOG-making. I want to do more with video in the future and the best way to learn is to do it.

You can find my Youtube channel HERE.


December 2, 2020,

Today Vincent and I made a little motorcycle tour with our GoPro camera's on our bikes. Vincent's GoPro on his right pannier and mine below my luggage rack. I was riding in front so we could film eachother.

Vincent riding behind me on the Oesterdam

I was riding in front

I was amazed by the quality of the GoPro. Even shots right in the direction of the sun had a good contrast.
Now we are just practising with our camera's but soon we will start with a motorcycle VLOG.


December 2, 2020,

Fortunately it is not raining today so it is a good day to make my first test video with the GoPro on the motorbike.
With the GoPro on the handlebars I drove along the N289 to the bridge at the Kreekraksluizen and then I drove past the fields with solar panels to the Bathseweg and from there along the modelplane airfield further along the Westerschelde dike to Waarde.

GoPro on the BMW

On the dike at Waarde I to took some video shots with the GoPro in hand and with my Sony camera before I drove through Waarde to the N289, on my way home again.

The link to the Youtube video is



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021