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My weblog archive

December 2018

December 26, 2018

With all of our grandchildren and most of our children, we went to the bowling alley for a family outing.
A good opportunity to get a picture of all our grandchildren.

Our grandchildren at the bowling alley


December 23, 2018

On Christmaseve I joined the anual shepherds-walk in Woensdrecht, that plays the biblical story of the birth of Jesus.
It started at the church in Woensdrecht. After an hour and a half walk with a lot of music and theater, it ended at "the stable where Jesus was born".

At the stable where Jesus was born


December 22, 2018

A few days ago I got an invitation to come to the Gipsy ensemble Kalinka in the local theater.
My wife and I had a very pleasand evening with nice music form the ensemble Kalinka and singer, violin player Emilia Kirova.

Gipsy ensemble Kalinka and Emilia Kirova

(The picture was taken with a smartphone so it is not so good)


December 18, 2018

Once a year, at the end of the season, we have a 'Christmass shooting evening' at our shooting club. That was yesterday.

At the Christmass shooting evening we shoot with bow and arrow, we shoot with a revolver on a fantasy target, one of our clubmembers made a 'clay pigeon christmass tree' to shoot clay pigeon with a rifle and we shoot at golfballs. It is a competition and everybody gets a price.

We had a fun evening and I won eighth prize, a 'revolver coffe mug'.

Eighth prize, a 'revolver coffemug'


December 16, 2018

This year I attended the APS DSR competition, a dynamic shooting competitions with pistol and rifle. I shoot in the bolt-action class and ended on fourth place in the competition.

Today was the Dutch Championship match at the shooting range of shootingclub "De Vrijheid" in Heemskerk. Only the top few shooters from each class were invited and because I was in fourth place, I was invited too.

At the clubhouse of SV De Vrijheid

The roads were slippery this morning so I left home early to be in time for the shooting match. I had a good day, enjoyed myself very much and ended here also in fourth place in my class.


December 5, 2018

Today my wife Erika had a radio interview at the local radio station ZuidWest FM. It was about the 'Participatiecafé' and the library she organised. She was there together with Adrie van Zweden, the founder of the Participatiecafé.

In the radio studio

It was in the program ZuidWest Update with presenter Kees Spikker that was broadcasted at six o'clock PM.

Kees, Adrie and Erika


December 4, 2018

My wife and I had to go to a funeral in Voorburg. After the funeral, we drank coffee with my brother and then we went to the village center.
We had lunch at a very nice bakeryshop. In the afternoon, we visited my youngest sister and we had McDinner with my brother and my other sister before we drove home again.

We had a nice lunch here (and good coffee)


December 2, 2018

This Sunday, we celebrated our "Sinterklaas" party with most of our children and grandchildren. Officialy it is on December 5 but Sundayafternoon works fine for us.

Celebrating "Sinterklaas" in our livingroom

We had sweets like chocolate letters, "pepernoten" and other nice sweets for everyone and presents for the children.



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021