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April 2008

April 29, 2008

To Brussels

Now I am back to work, I had to go to a meeting in Brussels this morning.
I got on my bicycle and drove to Putte/Stabroek in Belgium to get the bus to Antwerp.
On my way to Belgium, I saw the horses you see in the picture below and it was such a scenic view that I had to stop and take this picture.

I had a busy day in Brussels with meetings and talking and then it was time to go home again. After the traintrip from Brussels to Antwerp, I wanted to take a picture of the "Radio Veronica" ship that is docked in the harbour of Antwerp.
It is about twenty minutes walking from the bus station but I like to walk and the weather was not to bad so I enjoyed it. Unfortunately there were a lot of trucks parked next to the Veronica ship so I could not get all the pictures I wanted.

For those who are a lot younger than me: Radio Veronica was "illegal" broadcasting pop music from this ship in the North Sea, from 1960 until 1974, when the regular radio stations did not take popmusic serious.


April 26, 2008

My back is back

I have been home for some time with back problems. I had been riding my bicycle to the station with a backpack on my back that was much to heavy so a nerve in my spine was not where it should be and that hurts.

When I noticed the problem, I mounted a carrier for my backpack on my bicycle but unfortunately it was to late :-(

I've been to the docter and have been to the physiotherapist a few times. (BTW, he told me that riding a modern motorcycle is less stress on your back then sitting in a car !) Next monday I'll go to work again. Although I don't like the hours in the train to work, I am looking forward to riding on my bicycle to the station again.


April 23, 2008

Car trouble

Our car broke down this afternoon. Erika was just parking at the C1000 shop when the car stopped and would not start again. She called roadside assistance (ANWB) who came and did a temperary repair so she could ride to the garage.

Fortunately it was no big thing. There is something wrong with the gasket of the fuel filter so it spilled a lot of diesel fuel on the parking (and Erika had to clean it up afterward !).


April 17, 2008

A wedding and a baby

The picture of this happy couple was taken a few weeks ago. For my photocourse I had to make some wedding pictures and Vincent and his girlfriend wanted to pose for me in wedding outfit

I could not know that it would soon be real. They are expecting a baby and in May this year they will get married..........

Ah well, a life without surprises would be boring wouldn't it ?


April 9, 2008

He did it !!!

My son Vincent got his drivers license today.

This morning he had one last lesson and then he had to do his exam.
To celebrate this we had a big pie with the coffee this evening.


April 2, 2008

Looking for models

I am doing a photography course and for that course I need to make some "glamour" pictures of a good looking model.
Now I am looking for models who want to pose for my pictures.
If you want to be my model for this course and you live in the South of the Netherlands or in the North of Belgium, please send me an e-mail.

It is a very interesting course. I have made wedding pictures, portraits, pictures of buildings, news items and much more and I'm learning every time.



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg