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April 2015

April 30, 2015

I needed some fresh air so I took the Honda 400 and went for a ride on the backroads of Zeeland. After about an hour riding I arrived in Goes and went to a big motorcycleshop for a cup of coffee and to check out the new bikes (but I like my Honda 400 and the GoldWing more then all those modern bikes).

Behind the Westerschelde dike in Zeeland

On my way home I used some more backroads and had a nice ride.


April 27, 2015

On this last day of the "Brabantse Wal Festival", and also the Dutch king WIllem-Alexander his birthday, there was a nice firework show in our village. Of course I made a few pictures for

A nice firework show


April 25, 2015

At the "Brabantse Wal Festival", they organize a MudRun every year and today I made a photo report for
I walked and ran twelve kilometers to take pictures of all the obstacles the participants had to take and I had a real fun day (and so did the participants of the MudRun).

They had to go through this little tunnel under the road.....


April 24, 2015

This afternoon, I made an article with a lot of pictures about the Brabantse Wal festival for
The artist playing today were Crabtown Tree, Frank and Mirella, Peter Koolen, Jan van Brabant and Imca Marina.

Imca Marina and the sound and light technicians


April 23, 2015

Riding home from an appointment I had in bergen op Zoom, I came past this field with horses. I had to stop to take a picture of this foal and his mother.

A nice spring picture


April 20, 2015

Today I went to the "Auto RAI" in Amsterdam, a big car-fair, together with a friend. We saw a lot of interesting cars and fortunately there were some motorbikes too.

A BMW used on the freeways by "Rijkswaterstaat", a part
of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment.


April 19, 2015

Yesterday and today, I went to Rilland to the Dijkrock festival. I made a lot of pictures for and enjoyed the great music.

The lady drummer of the Amorettes, a very good rockband of three girls from Scotland


April 16, 2015

This afternoon, my son Vincent and I went to the harbour of Antwerp to shoot some pictures of me, riding my GoldWing. We choose two nice locations and the pictures turned out very good (Vincent is a really good photographer).

Me, riding my GoldWing


April 15, 2015

The doctor said that walking was very good for me so today I went for a nice long walk. Of Course I had my camera with me to take some pictures.
I walked for about two hours and saw a lot of interesting and beautiful places and things to take pictures of, but the best part of my walk this morning was, when I walked through a beautiful forest.

In the forest


April 12, 2015

BMW Motorrad organised the "BMW-Quest" today and a friend and I attended the quest. We got SMS messages with directions and questions that we had to find the answers for, and the purpose was to find the "golden key".
After a while, when we could not find the right answers, we decided to go to the harbour in Willemstad and get some french fries and ice-cream before we continued .

At the harbour of Willemstad

From Willemstad we went to Fijnaart but after we got the message that the quest was over, we took the scenic route, through Belgium, back home.
Although we did not find all the answers and did not win, we had a nice ride. The weather was good and it was fun trying to figure it out.


April 6, 2015

There was an Easter Party at Biker's Best in Renswoude, the biggest GoldWing specialist in the Netherlands, that I wanted to attend.
I left home at eleven o'clock AM and beside two small rain showers, that do no harm you when you ride a Goldwing, the weather was fine. There were no traffic jams and at a quarter past one PM, I arrived at Biker's Best in Renswoude.

The whole neighbourhood was reserved for the event and there were hundreds Goldwing of all types, including even a few Silverwings (and not the scooter but the tourer based on the CX500)

Hundreds of GoldWing's at the Biker's Best Easter Party

Because it was very busy, I did not stay very long. On the way home, I stopped at the McDonald's in Meerkerk and had a milkshake and a cheeseburger. Then I drove to the bridge over the Bergsche Maas where I left the highway. Via Made, Zevenbergen, Roosendaal, Kruisland, Wouw en Wouwse Plantage I drove home.
I rode a little more then 300 kilometer today and, to my surprise, the fuel consumption of my GL1200 was more then 20 km/ liter (that is 48 mile/gallon).


April 5, 2015

After a nice ride on the GoldWing, I went home to get our "classic" (from 1978) Honda CB400T to go to Sunday Funday, a classic car and motorcycle event. Because I came on a classic, I got a free consumption and I could park in the area with the other classic bikes.
I made a lot of pictures for

At the "Sunday Funday" oldtimer car and motorcycle event

Then I went to Café Die Twee in Bergen op Zoom to make some pictures of the Canadian rockabilly band, The Hellbound Hepcats, that plays there this afternoon.


April 4, 2015

Today, my wife, our youngest son and my father in law left for a weekend to visit family in the North of Holland.
I took this opportunity to make a nice motorcycle ride today. From home I drove through Putte, Wuustwezel and Brecht and with a big detour I drove to Baarle-Nassau. In Baarle-Nassau I had a nice cappuccino in the cafe on the corner and then strolled through Baarle-Nassau for a while to strech my legs.

On the square in Baarle-Nassau

From Baarle Nassau I took another big detour on nice backroads to Zundert where I took a coffee and a very tasty sandwich croquette in a cafeteria. Then I rode through Achtmaal, Nispen and Essen (past the railroad track and the station in Essen) and through Huijbergen on my way home.
In the morning it was still raining a bit and chilly but in the afternoon it was a lot warmer, dry and sunny.


April 3, 2015

When the weather is not so nice, I try to do a little training on my hometrainer but sometimes, when the weather is good ( little wind, no rain), I like to get on my bicycle for a real bicycle-ride.
This morning I went to Bergen op Zoom and tried to ride as much as I could through the forrest. It was a nice ride.

My bicycle in Bergen op Zoom next to a artistic bench


April 3, 2015

On a facebook page about Voorburg, I found an old picture (I think more then 50 years old) of the coal-yard of my grandfather. My father is the man with the glasses on the left and the young man on the right is my uncle Dik. Some people think that I am the little boy who is watching but I don't know.

At my grandfathers coal-yard


April 2, 2015

The school were two of our grandchildren go to, organised a FancyFair. The children had made all kind of things that were sold there and the profit was for a project for schools in third world countries.

Our grandchildren at the Fancyfair



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021