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September 2021

September 30, 2021

Today I got on my motorcycle to buy a bottle of liqueur.... in Beaufort in Luxembourg.

At the castle of Beaufort in Luxembourg

Because of Covid I hadn't made any real long motorcycle rides at all lately, so now that it's autumn again, I had to take my chance. The weather was dry and I had no other obligations so I got on the bike to ride a long way. It was amazing!


September 25, 2021

This evening I went, together with my oldest grandson, to the show ‘Scotland’s Story’ of the Celtic Folk band Rapalje. He is a big fan of this band and this evening I could make a picture of him, on stage with the band. We enjoyed the music and had a very nice evening together.

My grandson with the band and the dancers


September 16, 2021

Today I made a nice ride through Zeeuws Vlaanderen. First to the Municipal Archaeological Museum Aardenburg. An interesting museum with much info about Roman times and a lot of roman artefacts.
After my visit to the museum, I had a cappuccino an applepie (with whipped cream of course) in a restaurant right around the corner before I went to the 'Flemish Heritage Museum' in Groede, a nice little village where I also had a very good lunch.

From Groede I went to the Red Penguins in the marina of Breskens and to the fishing museum in Breskens before I started my ride home again, through the Westerschelde Tunnel. The weather todat was great and I enjoyed this trip very much.

The Red Penguins in Breskens


September 9, 2021

The road to the War museum in Overloon and back was very busy yesterday and most of the time I was riding behind a truck or delivery van.
Today I want to RIDE so I made a nice tour in Zeeland. I rode a strech of road on the Westerschelde dike and on the Oosterschelde dike and in Goes I visited two motorcycle shops.

On the Oosterschelde dike in Zeeland


September 8, 2021

On the second day of my holiday, I went to the War museum in Overloon. They have a nice saying: "War belongs in a museum". Very true.

An WW II Indian type 841 (build like a Moto Guzzi)

After my visit to the museum, I rode to a motorcycle shop in Veldhoven to check out the bikes and then I went home.


September 7, 2021

I gave myself a short holiday and I want do make some motorcycle trips. Because all the covid restrictions, I will stay in the Netherlands.

Today I went to the Louwman Museum in The Hague on my BMW. They have some very unique and rare cars and some very nice motorcycles.

A Duesenberg in the museum

After the museumvisit, I rode to the boulevard in Scheveningen for an icecream and the went home via Hoek van Holland, the ferry Maassluis-Rozenburg, the Oosterscheldekering, Veere and Goes.


September 5, 2021

Tired but satisfied, I completed the 3K Summer Run 'n Gun again today. It was a really fun afternoon and I took home another Super Senior trophy and a medal.

My Super Senior trophy and a medal

The 3K Run N Gun is an three kilometer obstacle course that also involves shooting with pistol and rifle. Over 35 obstacles in 3 kilometer! They call it the toughest shooting competition in Europe!


September 3, 2021

Together with Vincent we recorded five Motorist videos. All about the route of the cycling rounds in the Woensdrechtse Wielerzomer.

Near the former 'Wilhelmina kazerne' in Ossendrecht

You can view all our Motormobilist video's on our YouTube Channel.



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Last modified: 5 November 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021