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My weblog archive

November 2013

November 30, 2013

On my BMW, I have a Tomtom Rider 2 GPS system. Very useful but the problem is that it is very easy for anyone to remove it from the mounting on the handlebar. So every time I leave the bike, to pay for gas or get a coffee, I have to remove it and take it with me to avoid it being stolen. Today I bought the solution, a lock that blocks the lever that you need to push to remove the Tomtom.

The Tomtom Rider bike lock

I bought it at WayPoint, a GPS specialist in Vessem. It was two hours riding on nice backroads to get there and the weather was nice so I enjoyed riding a few hundred kilometers.


November 27, 2013

Everytime I started the BMW, the clock went on 00:00 so I knew the battery was almost dead. I ordered a new BMW battery at Motorservice Ossendrecht and this afternoon it was fitted in my BMW. It did take a little more work then on the older BMW's because the battery is mounted under the fueltank. With the new battery, the bike starts a lot better, without resetting the clock.

At Motorservice Ossendrecht


November 25, 2013

Today I wanted to ride the CB400T. Unfortunately it was hard to start and it kept running on one cylinder so I went back home and checked the sparkplugs. The lefthand sparkplug. was rather black so I cleaned it.
After a few tries, it started and after I revved it a bit, the second cylinder started running too.
Then I took it for a short ride, over the secondary road to Rilland and back on the freeway. After the ride, I checked the sparkplugs again and now the lefthand sparkplug had a good color too.

I cleaned the bike after the ride

Because the weather is not so good and the roads were wet and dirty, I cleaned the bike before I put it back in the garage..I also checked the oil level (it needed a little oil), tire presure and oiled the chain so the bike is ready for the next ride.


November 16, 2013

After a week that I mostly spend in bed because of the flu, I made a short trip on the BMW today. It is very foggy but I was so happy to be on my bike again that I did not care about the fog and the cold.

Fog in the forrest

After a visit for coffee and a chat at my fovorite motorcycle shop in Ossendrecht, I went home again for lunch with my wife.


November 10, 2013

Yesterday, I got a nice surprise. Because I was ill, I could not go to the Bigtwin Bike Show but my neighbours, Robert and Karina, had visited the Bike Show and brought me a Bigtwin calendar poster.
I have put it on the wall of my study today. Thanks Robert and Karina !

The Bigtwin calendar poster


November 8, 2013

Today I had planned to visit the annual Big twin Bike Show but unfortunately I spend the last two days in bed because I am ill. Now I watched motorbikes on TV but that is not half as much fun as going to the bike show. What a bummer.

Watching TV instead of going to the bike show


November 2, 2013

Because I was a little to early for a visit to my parents, I walked to my old school in Voorburg. To my surprise, it was almost gone. It was being demolished so if I had been a few weeks later, it would have been gone completely..............

My old school



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021