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My weblog archive

June 2009

June 19, 2009

This morning I drove to the "Staartse Heide" a nature reserve nearby.
In the middle of the heathland the shepherd and some of his people were shearing the sheep that they have there.
I wanted to get some pictures for an article on so I drove the BMW over softsand and mud to get to the site. An interesting trip.
I made some pictures and then I saw a photographer I know, Bertus, who was walking there with his wife.
When I left he made some pictures of me and mailed them to me.

Putting the cameras in the topcase (Picture by: Bertus)

Riding home on the dirtroad (Picture by: Bertus)


June 17, 2009

Some more pictures of our new VW Passat.


June 15, 2009

This afternoon, we got our new (secondhand) car, a Volkswagen Passat.
We bought it from friends who just bought another car and it is very well maintained and in very good shape.
It is one of the most luxery cars we had, with electric windows, an electric sunroof, mirrors that are remote adjustable and more.

Our Passat

Now Erika can use the Peugeot (when it is rerpaired) for work and we keep the Passat for longer trips.


June 14, 2009

Today on our way home from a special churchservice in Tholen, we were riding on the "Oesterdam" when suddenly we heard a big bang. The rear window of our Peugeot 309 was broken in a million small pieces.

Parked after the "big bang"(Cellphone camera)

We stopped and called the ANWB (roadside assistance) but the did not want to come (where do we pay for ???) so we cleaned up the mess as much as possible and drove the last 20 km home very slowly with the warning lights on.

The back of the Peugeot

At home we cleaned up the rest of the glass, got some ducttape to tape plastic over the opening and then we drove the car to the garage and put the key and a letter in the mailbox to tell the garage owner we will call him tomorrow.



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg