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My weblog archive

February 2018

February 24, 2018

Our oldest son and his family had to move from the farm they lived on, to a house in a village.
They found a nice house and today we were there to help them move the big heavy things like the couch and washer and dryer. They had rented a big trailer, behind the car of the stepfather of my sons wife. He was there to help too. We did two trips with the big trailer and our cars loaded with their things.

The new house (Picture from Google Streetview)

We left home at eight in the morning and were back home at eleven in the evening. It was a long day but we got a lot of work done.


February 21, 2018

It was a beautifull cold but sunny day so when I had to go somewhere to take some pictures for, I got my BMW K75RT from the garage to take it for a ride.
Then, when I was ready with taking photos, I took the long way home.

My BMW K75RT in the sun


February 18, 2018

Today I did the 3K Gun 'n Run Winter Edition. That is a obstacle course of 750 meter that has to be done four times with a shooting stage after each 750 meter.

Me doing the obstacle course

I had the 'Super Senior' price and was 41th overall from 63 participants.


February 11, 2018

One of our sons is moving to a new house so we hired a trailer behind our little Renault Clio to move heavy and big things like his washing machine, his bed, his refrigirator and couches.

The little Clio as a moving van



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021