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My weblog archive

February 2016

February 29, 2016

Minister Plasterk, the minister of internal affairs of the Netherlands, was visiting Bergen op Zoom today. I went there to write an article for I made a lot of pictures and did a short interview with the minister.

Mayor Frank Petter of Bergen op Zoom and minister Ronald Plasterk


February 28, 2016

With our daughter and her husband and daughter and our youngest son and his girlfriend, we went to the bowling alley at "Familyland". After an hour bowling, we went to the "all you can eat" restaurant Kookpunt in Roosendaal for a very nice dinner.

Bowling at the Familyland bowling alley

A nice dinner in Roosendaal


February 26, 2016

Finally, the dead tree in our front yard is cut down. A friend of one of my daughters girlfriends cut it into small pieces this morning.

The before and after picture

The dead tree looked quite green on the picture but the green you see was moss and other stuff that grew on the branches of the tree.


February 24, 2016

My last motorbike ride was almost a month ago. Since then, I had been very busy, the weather was bad and I didn't have an oppertunity to go for a ride.
Today I had the time, the sun was shining and I went for a ride on the Honda 400 to a big motorcycle shop in Goes. I avoided the freeway but used the backroads because they are much more fun to ride.

At the motorcycle shop in Goes and a covered windmill in Krabbendijke

It was chilly, about five degrees Celsius and at the motorcycle shop I got a hot chocolate to warm my hands. On my way back home, I stopped in Krabbendijke to look at a windmill that was completely covered. It looks like they are renovating it.


February 20, 2016

There was a big exhibition with model trains, -airplanes, -boats and Playmobil and LEGO in Goes, forty kilometer from home. I went there with one of my sons and his two sons and one of my granddaughters.

A scalemodel of an old Dutch station and train

There was a lot to see but unfortunately it was very very busy and it was difficult to see some things because of the crowds but never mind, it was nice to see all those beautiful models anyway and the children loved it.


February 16, 2016

The Dutch king Willem-Alexander and queen Máxima visited our village today and I went there to take pictures and write an article about it on our newssite

The Dutch king and queen in Ossendrecht

Our son Vincent made a video (with a few video shots that I made) for the website of the regional newspaper BNdeStem.


February 11, 2016

Our son Vincent, with his company Social Media Maker, is organising an auction of motorcycle clothing and helmets for a local Motorcycle shop, Motor Service Ossendrecht. For this auction, he needs pictures of all products on sale with the auction, so he had to make a lot of pictures today and I was his assistant. It was hard work but we have most of the pictures he needs.

Vincent at work, labeling helmets


February 9, 2016

Yesterday, most carnival parades were canceled due to the very hard wind but today, despite the rain and cold, carnival parades invaded the streets in a lot of towns in Brabant.
I went to the carnival parade in Ossendrecht (Ostrecht) to take pictures to write an article for about the parade.

Jester Petterke and Prince Kees I

It was very cold and raining hard, but the atmosphere was good and the parade was spectaculair again.


February 8, 2016

There is a storm today with to much wind for the carnival parades. Unfortunately for all those people who worked so hard for today, the big parade in Hoogerheide and Woensdrecht was canceled for safety reasons.
Yesterday, we did have carnival parades in Huijbergen en Putte. I went to Putte for an article on

Carnival parade in Putte (Put en Buntland)


February 6, 2016

The carnival in Brabant has started. For RegioActueel, I went to Ossendrecht to report about the entry of the Carnival Prince.

Prince Kees I and Jester Petterke


February 4, 2016

Because of some weird noise, the Clio had to go to the garage. After I left the car at the garage, I walked home and took the long way, through a forrest and fields. Although it was raining, I really enjoyed the walk.

I am so happy to live in such a nice surrounding



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021