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My weblog archive

February 2013

February 24, 2013

My wife wanted to visit some family and old friends who live in Den Helder in the far North-West of the Netherlands so this weekend, we booked a hotelroom and on Saturdaymorning we left home to ride to the North of Holland.

After a coffee at the McDonalds we went to Fort Kijkduin to see the museum in the fort, the fort itself and the aquarium. Then we went to a niece of my wife to meet her and her husband and children. After a very pleasant afternoon with them , we went to our hotelroom in a castle in Schagen, a small town near Den Helder. We had a wonderful dinner in the restaurant of the hotel.

At Fort Kijkduin in Den Helder (click on the picture for more pictures)

On Sunday we went to church and the after church, we went to their house with old friends who live in Julianadorp, near Den Helder. After a nice lunch and coffee (and a lot of talking ), we went to the Sea Rescue museum in Den Helder. They have old lifeboats, trucks, rescue materials and photos and videos on display. Very interesting.

From the museum we went home again through the snow and a white scenery, past Schiphol, and at seven in the evening we arrived safe at home again.


February 17, 2013

The daughter of my oldest son had her birthday so we went to the farmhouse where they live, an hour and a half driving from where we live, to celebrate her birthday, give her a present and eat tasty birthdaycake.

On the road to the farmhouse where my son and his family live


February 13, 2013

Tuesday was the last day of the carnaval and the end of the carnaval is always spectaculair in Ossendrecht (called Ostrecht during the carnaval days).
At midnight, on the market square in the center of the village, the Mayor or the Deputy Mayor gets the "keys of the town" back from the Carnaval Prince and then the Prince and the Jester ride away on a "burning" ox while the people sing a song about the burning ox that died.

It was a clear and dry night so I made some nice pictures for an article on

The Prince and the burning ox

...and then the carnaval was over and Ostrecht is Ossendrecht again.


February 10, 2013

This afternoon I went to Huijbergen, with one of my sons, to make a article about the carnaval Parade for The weather was perfect so we had a very nice afternoon and I made some nice pictures for my article on

Dragon and damsel in the parade in 't Sanegat

After the parade, we went to my daughters house to celebrate the birthday of my granddaughter


February 8, 2013

RegioActueel is back !!.
After we stopped with the old RegioActueel, we started a co-operation with the local TV station, ZuidWestTV but after about half a year we decided that this was not what we wanted so now we started RegioActueel Lite

RegioActueel is back

For now, we started with a blogspot but we are working on a new an fresh website so keep looking at RegioActueel Lite.


February 3, 2013

On saturdaynight, Ten24, one of the bands where my oldest son is the drummer, played in GebouwT in Bergen op Zoom. It was a good show and my wife and I (and a lot more people) had a very pleasand evening.

Ten24 on stage


February 2, 2013

To test the new ARO panniers and topcase I made a small trip today to Goes, about fourty kilometer from home. The weather was very strange, sometimes the sun was shining, a minute later it was snowing or raining and then after a minute the sun was shining again.

My beautiful BMW

Dispite the strange weather, I had a nice ride.


February 1, 2013

Yesterday my ARO topcase arrived at Motorservice Ossendrecht and I went there this afternoon. It took John some work to fit it on the bike. The wires for the right hand turnindicator were just a few milimeter to short so John had to extend the wires.
Now everything is done and it looks good and solid.

John working on the wires



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021