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My weblog archive

December 2017

December 24, 2017

On Christmas Eve, we were invited to have a Christmas dinner at my daughters house. She and her husband had prepared a very nice dinner.
We were together with the mother and sister of our son in law and we had a very pleasand afternoon and evening.

Our Christmas dinner


December 12, 2017

Last month, we had the premiere of our documentary about refugees in our village. Today there was an article in the local newspaper 'De Bode' about it.

Click on the picture for a larger version


December 12, 2017

In our backyard, we have a jar of peanutbutter for birds on the garage wall.
With the cold weather we have now, the birds love it and I have seen magpies and robins eating from it.

Robins eating from the jar


December 6, 2017

I had an old version of Ubuntu Linux on my old netbook. When I tried to update it, something went wrong so I had to do a new install so now I have a 32bits Ubuntu 16.04.3LTS on my little Samsung netbook.
Now I have to find the time for a good configuration and to install the tools I need.

Installing Ubuntu in my netbook


December 3, 2017

In the Netherlands, December 5 is the day we celebrate 'Sinterklaas avond', the birthday of Sint Nicolaas, with presents for the whole family. Because some familymembers live far away, we did the celebration in the weekend before December 5.
Our oldest son had bought a Sinterklaas costume and surprised us with an 'official' visit of Sinterklaas. Our grandchildren loved it and we adults had a lot of fun.

Sinterklaas visiting us


December 2, 2017

Today I went to the opening of an exposition of designer Frits Sonnenberg. He designs and builds furniture and wall-art. His work is inspired by geometrical figures, the golden ratio and crop circles.
I wrote an article about it on

Frits Sonnenberg between his 'wall-art' pieces


December 1, 2017

Some time ago, I saw a test of a new brand of motorbike, the French/Chineese MASH. They have nice motorbikes from 50cc to 400cc and I like the 'Adventure Touring' model very much.
At the moment I can not afford it but maybe in the future.....

The MASH over a picture of my tour in Morocco



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021