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December 2012

December 29, 2012

On Saturday afternoon, my wife and I went to Bergen op Zoom. We had a (very) late lunch at "MyPlace". My wife had a salmon sandwich and I had a very big tuna sandwich.

Me and my tuna sandwich


December 23, 2012

On December 15, I got the flu. Then it got a little better and I went to work but until now, I did not feel very well. I still got a bad cold and a headache.
This afternoon, I was fed up of feeling ill so I dressed in warm clothes and went for a ride through the countryside in the Suzuki jeep.

The lights of the harbour of Antwerp in the distance

Riding the Suzuki jeep was a lot more fun than laying in bed feeling miserable so it was good therapy.


December 21, 2012

Today was the unveil of a replica of a air traffic control tower from the 40's on a second World War bunker in the Kooibos, near the current Woensdrecht Airbase.
I was there to take pictures for ZuidWestActueel.
After the unveil, I went to Motorservice Ossendrecht to fix the turn indicator on my BMW. Unfortunately, half the front of the bike needed to be taken apart to get to that one nut that needed to be tightend.

Half the front of the bike taken apart

The nice thing about today was that it was not cold so it was nice to ride the bike..


December 16, 2012

Unfortunately it was to late for "Sinterklaas" on the fifth of December but I was very happy with the gift my new son-in-law bought me. A scale model of a Harley Davidson model WLA 1942.

Harley Davidson model WLA 1942

It got a very nice place in my collection of model motorcycles, together with the certificate of authenticity and a brochure with technical and historical data.


December 12, 2012

12/12/12 was the date my daughter and her fiancee had choosen for their wedding. So on Wednesday December 12, 2012 we went to the town hall for the wedding with a beautiful bride and groom and their little daughter.

After the wedding ceremony just outside the town hall

After the official part of the wedding we had a nice party with friends and family.


December 10, 2012

One day a week I work in our office in Woerden. Most collegues are moved to other offices by now but I was supposed to work here with one other collegue. Then I found out that he was ill and stayed home, so today I had the office, with room for about thirty people, all by myself......

Working alone in a very big room


December 5, 2012

On my way from the busstop to the office at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, I saw this beautiful duck. Fortunately I had my Fuiji AX300 in my pocket so I made a few pictures.

Black and white duck at the High Tech Campus


December 4, 2012

While I was working in our office in Amsterdam, "Sinterklaas"came in with his "Zwarte Pieten". They threw sweets into the office and then everyone got a chocolat letter.

Sinterklaas at the office and a chocolate letter


December 3, 2012

Winter has started.... Today we had the first snow of the year and the Dutch Railroads switched to their emergency timetable with less trains. Then the railroad crossings between Roosendaal and Lage Zwaluwe could not handle the snow and malfunctioned so the trains had to ride very slow.
A little later then I hoped, I arrived at my destination in Amstelveen (near Amsterdam). The view from the train was not bad. Nice white fields, farms and villages.

Snowy fields seen from the train to Amsterdam


December 2, 2012

Instead of having "Sinterklaas evening" on December 5th, we had our "Sinterklaas Party" this afternoon, with all our children and grandchildren at the farmhouse of my oldest son.
On the way to the farmhouse, an hour and a half riding from our house, we ran into sunshine and rain and, with sunshine and rain, you get a nice rainbow !

Rainbow along the A27

All the grandchildren got a lot of presents and the grownups had a lot of cake, soup, sandwiches and other tasty things so we had a nice time with the whole family.

Unpacking a present



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021