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My weblog archive

August 2020

August 30, 2020,

Together with our oldest son and his wife and children and one of our other sons, we went to the 'Nederlands Openlucht Museum' (Dutch Open air Museum) in Arnhem.

At the Openlucht Museum

It is a beautiful museum with old original Dutch buildings that are moved to this museum. It is absolutely worth a visit and I am sure I will visit it again.


August 27, 2020,

We just bought a new motorbike, a pink trike. Not for me but for my granddaughter who had her birthday party today.

My granddaughter on het new pink motorbike


August 20, 2020,

This morning I had a nice motorbike ride. First I visited friends from church in Kruiningen en then I went to Goes to visit a big motorcycleshop.
After my visit to the shop I took the scenic route home via the Westerschelde dike to the port-area of Antwerp and from there via Ossendrecht back home.

Near the Belgian border


August 10, 2020,

The weather is to nice to not ride my motorbike so I made a little trip in Zeeland. Via secondary roads I went to the boulevard in Vlissingen to look at the ships but before that I visited a little village called Nisse.
From Vlissingen I went to Veere and via Noord Beveland I went to Wilhelminadorp and then via the dike near kattendijke to Yerseke.
In Yerseke, I visited the harbour and then I went home again.

At the boulevard in Vlissingen


August 8, 2020,

It was very hot today, 35 degrees Celcius so only one rider from the motorcycle group from our church joined me on our monthly ride.

We rode from our meeting point in hoogerheide through Belgium to a big motorcycle shop in Breda. From Breda we went to the monument next to the Moerdijk Bridge and from there to the cathedral in Oudenbosch, a copy of the St Peter in Rome but half the size.

Our bikes near the Moerdijk Bridge monument


August 6, 2020,

I needed a new speedometer cable for my BMW so I went to Motorservice Ossendrecht to get it. With a new cable on my speedometer, I went to the Westerschelde dike in Zeeland to watch the big containerships in the Westerschelde.
Via Waarde I went to the N289 to ride home again. A nice but (to) short ride.

The BMW in Waarde


August 2, 2020,

This morning, at half past five AM, I was on my motor bike, on my way to Barneveld where I attended the recording of the livestream of the Sunday church service.
Most of the time on my way to Barneveld, the freeway was completely empty so I had the whole road for myself .

Picture from the 'Doorbrekers' livestream

It was a very nice church service and it was good to have a coffee after the service and to chat with some people, before I went home again.


August 1, 2020,

On this Saturday, we went to a camping where our daughter and her husband and children were with their caravan.
Some time ago, I gave my granddaughter my old Minolta camera and she makes pretty nice pictures.
Today I wanted to take a picture of her on a very big chair but she would only do it if she could make a picture of me so we made a deal .

My granddaughter the photographer



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021