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My weblog archive

April 2013

April 30, 2013

Today we (the Dutch people) got a king instead of the old queen. There were parties all over the country and I went to Putte on my BMW, to make an article about the childrens bicycle parade and all kind of children games, for our newssite

My BMW near the start of the childrens bicycle parade.


April 26, 2013

Today our Suzuki Samurai that we had a lot of fun with for the last five years, is sold. It was to much work to get it in good shape again so I sold it to a garage near Amsterdam.

The Samurai is leaving.

It is a kind of sad to see it go but to be honest, with no kids in the house anymore, a car and two motorcycles is enough.


April 19, 2013

The tires on my wifes Honda CB400T were very old so for safety reasons, I bought a set of new tires today at Motorservice Ossendrecht.

It rides a lot better with new tires.

After the tires were fited, I took the bike for a ride into Zeeland to run the new tires in before my wife uses the bike (the first kilometers on new tires are dangerous because the are slippery for the first 40 km).


April 14, 2013

Yesterday and today I painted a tree on my granddaughters bedroom. My daughter and I did the design together and it worked out nice.

A pink tree with birdhouses on the wall of my granddaughters bedroom


April 7, 2013

The last time that I had problems with my back, my physical therapist told me that riding my BMW motorcycle was no problem becasue the way of sitting on the motorcycle is much better for my back then sitting in a car so when we wanted to visit our son in Bergen op Zoom, my wife and I took our bikes.

My wife, riding her classic Honda

For the first time in a few weeks, the weather is great so after our visit, we took the long way home and indeed, I had no pain in my back at all.


April 3, 2013

My daughter has graduated for her retail employee education and got her diploma this afternoon. Together with het husband and daughter we went to the school in Roosendaal to be there when she got her diploma.

One of the teachers gave her, the diploma

Now she started her next course, to become a retail shop-manager.


April 1, 2013

We had to get up early this morning because our youngest son was moving to his new rooms in Bergen op Zoom.

The Chrysler was a good moving truck again

We went there with the Chrysler, filled with his belongings and he came on his bicycle. We worked all day in his room to get his IKEA bookcase, desk and closet ready, I had to hang lamps in his rooms and curtain rails and curtains but now it is done and he will sleep there for the first time.

If this is your view, you know you're in Bergen op Zoom

From his room you can see the "Peperbus", the famous churchtower in the center of Bergen op Zoom.



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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021