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Travel pages

Nordkapp to Gibraltar

July 2006 / May-June 2013
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Part 1
The Bike
My route
The Start
The NordKapp

Part 2
To Gibraltar

Friday, July 7th, 2006

After a good night sleep a shower and a good breakfast, I loaded the bike again and, Kurt and I left Kristiansand to drive a nice coastal road to the East. I wanted to drive to Oslo today and from Oslo, take the E6 North.

Changing money at the bank

On our way East, we visited a bank in a small village, so I could change some Euro's for Norwegian Kronen.

Then we drove on to a bike shop that is specialised in GoldWings. Kurt knows the owner of the shop so we had a chat, a cola and looked at al the

beautiful GoldWings, trailers and chrome accesoires (safety chrome ;-).

I left my tent at the bikeshop because my BMW was feeling topheavy with the tent on the back and not very stable. I miss the big sidecases and topcase of my old GoldWing :-(
I could put my tent AND everything else in the cases.

At the GoldWing shop

The name of the bikeshop is "Lillerolfs Krambod" and the address is
Jon Skjeiesvei 1, 4823 Nedenes in Norway. They have a website and I was asked to mention that they have also GoldWings for rent.

Then we drove on on some beautiful coastal roads and finaly stopped in a small harbour. From here on I would be on my own. Kurt went back home on his GoldWing and I drove further to the East to Oslo on the E18.

A beautiful small harbour

When we stopped at a HydraTexaco gasstation, Kurt bought me a coffeemug. In Norway, if you buy a special coffeemug at some gasstations, like the HydroTexaco, you can fill it with fresh coffee the whole year, at every gasstation of that company. Great, free coffee for the rest of my stay here in Norway.

Toilet building at a resting place

From Oslo I took the E6 North. For people like Kurt this is a boring highway but for me, used to the very flat, straight and crowded Dutch roads, it was a wonderful scenery road.
The resting places are also very good. Plenty of places to stop and often with picknick tables and a clean toilet.

The scenery is wonderful. Often there is a river or a lake beside the road and the parkings and resting paces are often next to such a lake or river.

Views along the E6 from Oslo to Lillehammer

At half past eight in the evening, after a very nice ride, I stopped in Hammer, a town, +/- 35 km South of Lillehammer. After asking some people I finaly found a good hotel.

The Scandic hotel in Hammer

I got a room and after unpacking the bike, I went to the Internet PC to do some e-mail and update my weblog.

Then I took a shower, watched a little TV (BBC world) and went to bed.

I have been lucky with the weather. In Germany and Danmark it was very warm but here it is a nice 20 degree Celcius so perfect riding weather.
Also very nice here up North is the long days. The more North you come, the longer the days are in summer so you don't have to worry about riding in the dark.

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg, 2006