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Travel pages

Nordkapp to Gibraltar

July 2006 / May-June 2013
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Part 1
The Bike
My route
The Start
The NordKapp

Part 2
To Gibraltar

Monday, July 10th, 2006

I slept well in my new sleepingbag. I woke up at half past six and after doing some bike maintenance, I loaded the bike and I was on the road at 07:45h. First I drive an hour or two on the E6 and then I turn West on road 80 to Bodo to take the ferry to the Lofoten.

Norway is made for bikers, I'm sure of that.

Just in time I arrive at the ferry terminal and after paying 238 kronen to a lovely lady and filing in my name at a list, I can board the ferry to the Lofoten. I have to tighten the bike to the cardeck and then I go to the passenger deck for the four hour trip.
I chat with the two British Hayabusa riders I saw at the Polar Circle and with a German who rides an Africa Twin.

After we left the port of Bodo, I had french fries and a sausage but after two hours I began to feel seasick. The wind was very strong so the ship was moving very much..... I was NOT happy.

Another ferry, in the hard wind and waves.....

I find an empty deckchair and try to sleep. That works and after some sleep I feel better. It helps that I can see the Lofoten nearby.

The Lofoten is worth the seasick trip!! It is very very beautiful.

The Lofoten are beautiful.

You have to be careful for the sheep running around. They are not behind a fence and walk on th road if they like. Right in front of me, while I was taking pictures, a Kawasaki rider had to brake hard because a couple of sheep decided to cross the road, right in front of him.

A sheep crossing the road, right in front of a bike.

I follow the A10 in the direction of Narvic, through some tunnels and over nice bridges. It is a pitty the weather is not so good because it is so beautiful. Even with the dark and clouded skies it is so nice here.

The pushbike on the beach.

Flowers everywhere.

Again, a beautiful church.

The two British bikers an I pass eachother several times while the other stopped for taking pictures but then I see only the youngest of the two at a parking, waving at me. I guess the ather is parked behind a car or so and I wave back.
After a while, I see the other one coming from the opposite direction. We both stop and I tell I have seen the other one at the parking.
When I ride on for a while, I realise that I haven't seen E10 roadsigns for a while and I ask some roadworkers for directions. I'm going the wrong way... I race back to that parking because that was not a normal parking but the road to the ferry to the next Isle.

I just make it in time. When I'm driving towards the ferry, a crewman waves me to come quickly on board and right after I enter the ferry, the door is closed and we leave.

On the ferry with the two Hayabusa riders.

The Lofoten is a group of Isles that are connected by this very and lots of bridges and tunnels. Some are realy very nice and some are so narrow only one car can pass at a time.

The Isles are connecte by bridges and tunnels.

It is getting late and I can not find a hotel but then, in Sigerfjord, I see a hotel sign on the side of the road so after asking around I find the "hotel". It is the "Sigerfjord Feriehus"
Actualy, instead of a room, I rent a whole house with three bedrooms, a bathroom, living room and kitchen with a view over the fjord. The price ? 350 Kronen. Not to bad I think.

My house at Sigerfjord.

After some bread, a softdrink and writing in my diary, it's time to go to bed. It has been a very interesting day. The weather was bad. I had loads of rain but the scenery is so nice, I don't mind.
I just wish my bike jacked and trousers were more waterproof.......

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg, 2006