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Nordkapp to Gibraltar

July 2006 / May-June 2013
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Part 1
The Bike
My route
The Start
The NordKapp

Part 2
To Gibraltar

Friday, July 14th, 2006

I am not in a hurry so I stay in bed until seven. Then I have a shower and start loading the bike. After breakfast I check out and at half past eight I'm on the road again, heading South to Sundsvall.

I could not work on the bike in front of the hotel entrance so after a short ride I followed the signs to a gasstation. Unfortunately it was closed but... no problem, I work on the bike on the side of the road, above the E4.

Bike maintenance above the A4.

The road to Sundsvall is not very exciting but it is a good way to the South. Maybe next time, with a GPS, I'll find a nicer road but for now this is fine. Actualy, I did try some other roads but they mostly ended in dirts roads in the middle of nowhere. They were nice however.
It is fun to drive through a forest on a dirtroad. The weather is good, sunny, 18 degrees Celcius and the bike is running perfect.

A nice spot with flowers on a dirtroad near the A4..

Farmland on the Swedish East coast.

I had not seen the Gulf of Bothnia yet so I looked for a spot to drive to the coast. Finaly, near Javre, I saw a lighthouse so there must be sea. There is a small harbour with a lighthouse and a cabin with the sign "MC Motel" and a picture of a motorbike. Unfortunately there is nobody there.

Lighthouse near Javre.

It is very different from Norway here. Much flat land with farms and no high mountains and deep fjords. Beautiful in a different way.

The wind is very hard. It may be because it is close to the coast but at bridges and stretches of open road, I drive very carefully because of the hard wind.

A Swedish farm.

A very good facility on the Scandinavian roads are good parkings, often with a toilet and picknick benches. Often they are on a scenic spot like next to a river or a lake. It is nice to relax on the border of a lake after a long ride.

Parking place beside a lake.

An hour drive before Sundsvall, I have to cross a very high bridge. Here too is a parking at the beginning of the bridge, to stop and take pictures.

Nice bridge.

This is next to the bridge.

A few kilometers before Sundsvall I get hungry so I stop at a kiosk. I get a hotdog (very good) and a coffee (not to good) before I go back on the A4.

Good hotdogs and bad coffee here.

Short after my hotdog and coffee dinner, I left the A4 to get on the E14 East. Beside the road I see an old airplane, a biplane, so I stop for a picture.

An old airplane next to the E14.

The E14 is a good road. Nicer then the A4 and it is running through dense forest. I stop a few times for a drink and fuel and then I get on road 83.
Road 83 is a smaller road then the E14 and I see almost no other cars or bikes. The scenery is very nice again. It is so nice to ride on a winding road that passes rivers and lakes and goes throuh big forests. It is something we don't have in the Netherlands.

Road 83 from Borgsjö to Ramsjö.

After a while I start getting tired so I ask a girl who is walking her dog in Ramsjö if she knows a motel or cabins and she points me to a camping with cabins.
When I get there, the camping office is closed but there is a phonenumber and when I call that, the owner of the camping comes to get me a cabin.
I get a very nice cabin with a bathroom, a little kitchen and four bunkbeds. I unload the bike and go to bed.

My cabin in Ramsjö.

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg, 2006