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Nordkapp to Gibraltar

July 2006 / May-June 2013
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Part 1
The Bike
My route
The Start
The NordKapp

Part 2
To Gibraltar

Saturday, July 15th, 2006

A few minutes past eight, I left the camping in Ramsjö in the direction of Ljusdal to get on road 84 to Sveg.

I could not spray my chain because the ground was to soft to let the centerstand lift the backwheel from the ground so I have to do my daily bike maintenance later.

Next to the camping I stayed on, was the village church. A nice wooden church like so many in Scandinavia.
Close by was the Ramsjö Folkets Hus. I think it is some kind of community center. I saw buildings like this in more villages.

Church next to the camping.

Ramsjö Folkets Hus.

Because I had to do my daily bike maintenance, I stopped at the first parking available. It was a nice spot, next to a lake. I put the bike on it's centerstand, sprayed the chain, checked the oil and cooling fluid.

Bike workshop (here I did my daily maintenance).

I like the buildings here, the houses, the churches. Almost all buildings in the small villages are made of wood.

In a small village.


What is left of a wooden house.......

Nice churchtower near Sveg.

From Ljusdal I get on road 84 to Sveg to finaly get on road 45, all the way to Götenburg. In Ljusdal I filled my tank and had a coffee at the gasstation.

Very nice roads.

In the center of Sveg is a big wooden bear. It is very big and made of big blocks of wood. There was a stair, going into the bear but unfortunately there was a gate blocking the entrance.

A big wooden bear in Sveg.

Sometimes the not so well maintained buildings have the most character like an abandoned gasstation I passed.

Abandoned gasstation.

Right after the bridge over the Ore Alv was a gasstation but there was a sign on the pumps that you had to hand over your creditcard first, before you could fill the tank. But if they don't trust me with the fuel, why should I trust them with my creditcard?
I went back to the river to get pictures and then I drove on to the next gasstation.

The Ore Alv

Half an hour later, I passed a railway crossing when I noticed an strange building. It looks like a watertower to fill the watertank of old steam locomotives.

From the time of steam locomotives.

Then I drive on four a couple of hours, stopping now and then for a drink or something to eat. Near Malung, I stopped at a picknick place when a man walked to me for a chat. He asked if I would like a coffee so I walked with him to the picknick table where he and his wife and children were having lunch.
They were from Danmark and advised me to get the nightboat from Götenburg to Frederikshavn in Danmark. It leaves port at five minutes before midnight. I think it is a good idea because then I will be back home on Sunday afternoon and then I can join my wife with bringing our youngest children to summercamp on monday.

After an hour or so, when I stop again, now at "rastplats Tossebergklatten" I meet this Danish family again.

View at the Tossebergklatten "rastplats".

Before I get on the ferry in Götenburg, I want to fill my tank because I'm not sure about the opening hours of the gasstations in Danmark. Sunday morning four AM might be a problem so I rather start with a full tank.
I also want to buy some souvenirs at the kiosk but unfortunately, the last gasstation is one with a cardsystem and no kiosk. I'll have to buy the last souvenirs on the boat. No problem.

Last gasstation in Sweden.

Aroung nine PM I arrive at the ferry terminal in Götenburg. I buy a ticket with my last Swedish Kronen and then I have to wait in a line with one other bike and a lot of campers.
I did not see a cafetaria or bar so I asked a passing security person if he knew where to get coffee. Fortunately he did so I could get a cup of coffee.

Waiting to board, with a line of campers.

Finaly at eleven, the big Stena Line ferryboat was entering the harbour of Götenburg. First al the cars and people had to get of the ship and then we could get on board.

"Our" ship was coming in at eleven PM.

The crewmembers told us (me and the German biker) that we just could park the bikes. No need to secure them to the deck. I asked for something to secure my bike anyway because it is so topheavy with all my luggage.
No problem and I feel a lot better this way.

At almost midnight, we left the harbour of Götenburg. I'm on my way to Danmark again.

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg, 2006