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Travel pages

Nordkapp to Gibraltar

July 2006 / May-June 2013
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Part 1
The Bike
My route
The Start
The NordKapp

Part 2
To Gibraltar

Tuesday, July 11th, 2006

Now I am above the Polar circle, it does not get dark at night. Very strange to have daylight at midnight.

When I woke up at five AM this morning it was raining hard and I could not see the other side of the fjord but after some time the sun began to shine and it was dry when I left "my" house at half past seven.
Unfortunately the dry weather would not stay for long and it started to rain again. (remember my NOT waterproof BMW outfit)
I was very happy to have heated grips so I could keep my hands warm.

Rainclouds all over the place

When it was not raining, it was very nice.

While stopping at parkings for a drink, I talked with a Dutch father and son, in a car on their way to the North Cape. From there they would drive to Kirkenes and then get on a cruiseship to the Lofoten. Very friendly people. I also met an Austrian biker on a Yamaha V-Max, also on his way to the North Cape.

I saw hundreds of waterfalls.

Just like a postcard.

A real Viking ship ?

Beautiful sky.

Road through the wild landscape.

Souvenir shop of the local people.

Reindeer on the side of the road.

Mountains, water, sky.... beautiful.

Fortunately it did not rain all day.

The BMW next to a rapid.

I love this road.......

At nine PM, I arrive in Repparfjord Hotel Skaid, 150 km from the North Cape, 4221 km from home.

The last few hundred km, over the toundra was impressive. It is so BIG. I am afraid even my pictures will not show how it realy is.

The Repparfjord Hotel Skaid.

I go to my room but there is no chair at the desk. My neighbour has a chair and I can get his.
Before I go to bed I walk to the gasstation, down in the villaghe to buy an icecream. Then I want to watch TV but the TV does not work. I get another TV but now I only have one channel.... ah well, I did not come here to watch TV anyway. I get my maps and plan my route for tomorrow, first to the NorthCape and then through Finland to Sweden.

The midnight sun.

23:54h in the night and it s bright daylight outside.

The downside is, in winter it is dark all day. When I asked the hotel manager what people do during the long winter, his answer was "waiting for the light".

Shortly after this picture I went to bed to get some sleep for the last leg of my trip to the NortCape tomorrow.

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg, 2006