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Visiting Ontario in Canada
September 2019

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The Car
The Preparations
The route
The Start

Day 5,

Going to "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in
Dresden and visiting our old friends
in Sarnia

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Our planning was to leave early to be in time at the Cowboy Shooting Match but unfortunately the match was canceled. Now we have planned to drive to a place called Dresden, to visit 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'.

This historic site opens at ten and it is not very far away so we don't have to hurry. We have a breakfast with coffee from the motel and bread buns that we bought at the Walmart in Toronto.

Me and my peanutbutter bread bun

It was almost nine o'clock when we went to the office of the motel to hand in the keys of our rooms and then we left the Countryside Motel.

The previous days, Anneke was the chauffeur and I was the designate photographer but today we changed roles. I did the driving and Anneke took the pictures while I was behind the wheel. and she did it quite well.

Me, driving the silver Passat

We were riding through farm-country and Anneke made lots of pictures of nice (or not so nice) farms and farm buildings.

A big RV nect to a farm shed

A windmill

We saw a lot silos along the road

It is nice to drive for a change. The roads are so different from back home. Twenty kilometer straight, then a 90 degree corner and another thirtyfive kilometer straight.

I figured out how the cruise control worked, a very nice feature on these roads.

Long straight roads

There were so many beautiful farmhouses and buildings and fortunately, Anneke made a lot of pictures.

Farms and farm buildings

A strange building
Later I found out that is is for salt storage for the roads in wintertime

Suddenly, I saw a flock of black birds flying up, right in front of us. There was nothing behind me, so I slowed down, to avoid hitting the birds.

A flock of birds

Along the road, we noticed a red, white and blue Dutch flag in front of a shop, 'Garry's Gallery'. Because of the flag, we expected a Dutchman but he was a Canadian that just used a random choosen flag for his antiques, collectibles and used furniture shop.

Garry's Gallery

At half past ten, we arrived at Uncle Tom's Cabin Historical Site in Dresden. There was a good parking in front of the entrance and after a few pictures, we went inside to check out the exhibition.

At Uncle Tom's Cabin Historical Site

Inside, we bought our tickets ($7 each) from a nice old black lady who also was our tourguide in the museum. We had an introduction speech in the exhibition hall and the we went to a movie theater for an explanation and a movie about the life of Reverent Josiah Henson.

An explanation about the life of Reverent Josiah Henson

Reverent Josiah Henson was a black slave in the USA, who managed to escape to Canada in 1830 and who helped many other slaves to escape to freedom in Canada using the 'Underground Railway'. The Underground Railway was not really a railway, but a network of people who helped the slaves to reach Canada.

Reverent Josiah Henson

The life story of Reverent Josiah Henson was the insiration for Harriet Beecher Stowe for her worldfamous novel 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'.

On the grounds of the Uncle Tom's Cabin Historical Site are several historical buildings, like the house Reverent Josiah Henson and his wife lived and a replica of the church where he was the preacher.

The house where Reverent Josiah Henson lived

Reverent Josiah Henson and his wife in his house

The original organ Josiah Henson played on

The Uncle Tom's Cabin Historical Site was absolutely worth the visit and, with an entrance fee of $ 7 per person, it was not expensive.

From Dresden, we drove to Sarnia. The last few days, we programmed our satnav to avoid freeways so we enjoyed riding the secondary roads and the occasional dirtroad. Canada is such a beautiful country. I really would like to come back some day and ride a motorbike here.

At one o'clock, our stomachs told us it was lunchtime so we stopped at a Tim Hortons for a bagel B.E.L.T. and a coffee (I don't know were the 'B.E.L.T.' stand for) before we went to the motel that Jan van der Willik arranged for us in Sarnia.

Coffee and a bagel at Tim Hortons

We arrived at the Harbourfront Motel in Sarnia at half past one but check-in started at two o'clock.

The Harbourfront Motel in Sarnia

To kill the time, we walked around the motel. There was a big cargoship right behind the hotel and a rivercruise was just making a u-turn near the cargo ship.

A cargoship and a river cruise behind the hotel

We noticed a lot of bright colored butterflies. They looked beautiful so I tried to make a nice photo of one.


While I was taking pictures, Anneke found a bench to sit and read her e-book in the sun.

Reading her e-book

I really like the big trucks that are so common in Canada and the USA, some of them in bright colors and with lots of chrome.

A big truck

At two o'clock, we could check-in and got the keys (cards) for our rooms, 154 and 156, the last two rooms on the corridor. We had an extra door to the parking and we put the Volswagen right behind my room.

Our Volkswagen behind my room

With our luggage in our rooms, we went to see Jan and Norma, who live a few minutes driving from the motel. They live in a beautiful appartment building and can see Lake Huron and the USA from their balcony.

The USA is nearby

Lake Huron is populair for watersports and there are a lot of boats on the lake.

Boats on the lake

It was very nice to meet Jan and Norma. We talked a lot and drank coffee and Jan and Norma treated us to a delicious Chinese meal before we went back to the motel.

When it was getting dark, the lights on the cargoship behind the hotel went on and it was a beautiful sight.

Cargoship at night

Tomorrow, I will go to the gym in the morning and in the afternoon, we will visit Jan and Norma again. We also booked two rooms from monday to wednesday at the Cedar Vista Motel in Tobermory on 7370 Hwy 6, N0H 2R0 Tobermory.

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Last modified: 28 July 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021