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Visiting Ontario in Canada
September 2019

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The Car
The Preparations
The route
The Start

Day 8, Visiting Tobermory and Flowerpot Island

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

It was cold tonight. Fortunately there was an extra blanket in the room and with the extra blanket it was comfortable and I had a good night sleep.

We had breakfast at eight and after breakfast we walked to the Blue Heron Cruises ticket office on Highway 6 and bought tickets for a cruise to Flowerpot Island, a National Park ticket to get on the island and a ticket for the returntrip.

We walked to the ticket office

The departure time was half past nine so we had enough time to walk to the dock and be in time for boarding.

Our ship, the Blue Heron 8 was already there and the crew was doing some last time preperations while we were waiting.

The Blue Heron 8

With everybody on board, we left the dock at Tobermory Harbour for our trip to Flowerpot Island.

We left the dock

Firehouse at the entry of the harbour

Before we set course to Flowerpot Island, we sailed over some old shipwrecks in the harbour, the 'Sweepstakes', a ship that went under in 1885 and the 'City of Grand Rapids' that sank in 1907.

The water is very clear so the shipwrecks can be seen from the surface but the Blue Heron 8 has a glass bottom to see the remains of the sunken ships even better.

Shipwreck on the bottom of the harbour

The Blue Heron 8 has a glass bottom

In the lake surrounding the peninsula are a lot of small islands and to go to Flowerpot Island, we have to sail along a few of those islands.


While Anneke was on the bow of the ship, I climbed the stairs to get next to the bridge for a better view.

Anneke on the bow of the ship

Next to the bridge

We are going very fast. I asked one of the crew and he told me they are doing fourty kilometers per hour.

Going fast

The cockpit

We were told that the waves on Lake Huron are so strong that is makes holes in the rocks.

A hole in the rock, made by the strong waves

We are near Flowerpot Island. One of the buildings on the shore is the museum that we will walk to later.

Buildings on the shore of Flowerpot Island

The name Flowerpot island comes from two rocks at the island that have the shape of a flowerpot. One very big one and one a little bit smaller.

A big and a smaller 'flowerpot'

If you look at the big flowerpot rock, it looks like it has a face and the natives say that it is a warrior, looking out over the lake.

A rock with a face of a warrior

Flowerpot island has a small harbour for tourist cruises like ours. It has a restroom and some information boards and hiking routes over the island.

The small harbour of Flowerpot Island

We had two hours to explore the island. Anneke had her crutches with her so we could walk a little longer then without. The museum on the shore was only one and a half kilometer away so we decided to go there.

It was a nice walk in the forest and between rocks. It felt a little like the hikes we did with our parents in Luxembourg.

Just like the hikes in Luxembourg

The big flowerpot

Finaly we made it to the museum, a nice building with a veranda with some rocking chairs.

It used to be the lighthouse keeper's home

Rocking chairs on the porch

The museum had been the home of the lighthouse keeper and it was left (or reconstructed, I don't know) like it was when he and his family lived here.

The lighthouse keeper in his livingroom

We did not want to miss our returntrip so after a short visit to the museum, we walked back to the dock. On the way back, I took some more pictures of the flowerpot rocks.

The big flowerpot

The smaller flowerpot

Ten or fifteen minutes after we returned to the dock, the Blue Heron 8 arrived at the island to bring us back to Tobermory.

The Blue Heron 8 arrived

My ticket for the return trip

We saw a lot of people on Dinghy with outboard sailing around the island. They came from a large cruise ship that was anchored near the island.

Large cruise ship

Then we left Flowerpot Island and very fast, we sailed to Tobermory again.

A fast ship

The glass floor of the Blue Heron 8

Very soon we were back in Tobermory and we left the ship to get some coffee.

The harbour of Tobermory

I did not want to carry my backpack with my leather jacket inside with me all the time so while Anneke waited on a bench on the quay. I walked back to the motel to leave my backpack and Anneke's jacket in my motelroom.

Back at Tobermory, we went to a coffee shop and both got a cappucino and a bagel with cream cheese. The price was $ 27.50 !!

Coffee shop

Anneke wanted to do some shopping so she visited a few shop, like Marco Polo and some other shops.

marco Polo in Tobermory

While Anneke was doing her shopping, I stayed outside and took some pictures.

A nice police car

Harbour view

It was interesting to see how they managed to get a rather large yacht on a trailer.

Getting a yacht on a trailer

It was getting very warm so it was time for an icecream. There was an ice cream shop nearby and we both enjoyed a nice big ice cream.

The prices in restaurants here are insane so we went to the foodmarket and bought bread, yoghurt, noodles and raspberry cookies (and a motorcycle magazine) and walked back to the motel.

Anneke wanted to rest and I wanted to read my motorcycle magazine and walk to the viewing tower near the visitor center.

After I finished reading the magazine, I walked to the visitor center, a fifteen minutes walk.

On my way to the visitor center

Before I went to the visitor center, I climbed the viewing tower near the visitor center for a view over the peninsula.

The viewing tower

Inside the visitor center was a nice exhibition about the great lakes and its history, wildlife and more.

Officialy, I needed the Entry pass that we bought at he Blue Heron ticket office but I did not took it with me. Fortunately I was allowed in without the pass because it was just half an hour before closing time.

The visitor center

Back in the motel, Anneke and I had a cup of coffee and the we prepared our dinner, noodles, peanutbutter- and nutella bread buns and yoghurt.


Tomorrow we will go to 'Gordon's Bobcaygeon' at 23 Front St E Bobcaygeon in Ontario. It is near Kawartha Lakes and the day after tomorrow we want to visit Kawartha Settlers’ Village.

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021