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Visiting Ontario in Canada
September 2019

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The Car
The Preparations
The route
The Start

Day 14, Flying back to the Netherlands

Monday, September 23, 2019

Today is our last day in Canada. After our McDinner yesterday we had printed our boarding passes for the flight home on the computer and printer in the lobby of the hotel.

This morning I looked from our hotel window down and saw a beautiful big eighteen wheeler, the kind of car you hardly see in Europe.

Beautiful big eighteen wheeler

We have our hotel room until noon so we have a very relaxed morning, re-arranging our luggage for the flight home, reading a book and having our breakfast at Denny's with pancakes with cream and banana's, patatoes, bacon and scrambles eggs.

Today we have to bring our rental car back to the rental company and take a taxi to the airport.

Our rental car on the parking at Enterprise Car Rental

They told us they have a contract with a taxi company so we can go to the airport for $20. After we handed in the car keys, they called the taxi for us and ten minutes later the taxi arrived.

It was the worst taxi I have ever been in. The driver was a fat unfriendly man and his car looked like a garbage dump. The he told us he knew nothing about a fixed price and when we arrived at the airport, our luggage fell out of the car on the ground.

He charged us $22,50 instead of $20 but Anneke and I already had $25 ready for the taxi ride so we didn't care.

Arriving at Toronto Pearson International Airport

It was lunchtime so we started looking for a restaurant to get something to eat. We found only one restaurant at terminal one and we had a nice lunch.

Restaurant at terminal one on the airport

They did not have coffee at the restaurant so after our lunch we went to Starbucks for coffee. At a bookstand I had bought a Reader's Digest to kill some time until we could bring our suitcases to Air Canada.

Coffe at Starbucks

We had a few hours before we could get rid of our suitcases so we explored the airport for a while. From one side of the terminal, we had a nice view on Toronto and sometimes we could see a plane landing in the distance.

At Toronto Pearson International Airport

After a while, our flight appeared on the big screen and at 16:50 h we could bring our suitcases to Air Canada.

Flight AC 824 to Amsterdam

Going through customs and security allways takes a lot of time. My bag with laptop and camera, my vest with everything in it, security was very interested but finaly we were allowed through security.

There was not much to see and do before the security check but when we had passed into the tax free area, there were plenty of luxery shops.

Shops in the tax free area

At dinnertime we started looking for a restaurant and we found one with I-pads for the menu. Every seat had an I-pad and a payment terminal so you order a menu from the I-pad and pay with a creditcard.
A few minutes later, someone brings your meal.

Ordering my dinner

The restaurant in the tax free zone

Tim Hortons had been our favorite place for coffee because they have very good cappucino so when we saw a Tim Hortons on the airport, I went there to get us a cappucino. Unfortunately, the cappucino machine did not work and we had to settle for normal coffee.

Tim Hortons at the airport

Meanwhile, our plane had arrived at the gate and we were waiting now for boarding time.

Our plane at the gate

At a few minutes past eight in the evening, boarding began. Our seats were in section six, in the back of the plane so we were in the last gropup that got on board.

Two passengers did not show up in time so their luggage had to be removed from the plane and that caused us a twenty minutes delay but shortly after nine, we took off and started our flight to Schiphol.

In the back of the plane

Our route to Amsterdam

After take off, we saw the lights of Toronto through the window. We were sitting in the center row of the airplane but with the camera zoom I could take a picture of the Toronto lights.

Toronto by night

Now we are on our way to the Netherlands again.

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021