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Visiting Ontario in Canada
September 2019

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The Car
The Preparations
The route
The Start

Day 9, Driving to Bobcaygeon

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

This morning we left our nice motel in Tobermory for a roadtrip to Bobcaygeon, where we had rented a houseboat for two nights.

Getting ready to leave

Before we left we had our breakfast with tea and bread buns with Nutella and peanutbutter. I had entered the address 23 Front St. E in Bobcaygeon in the Nokia and also marked the route on the an old-fashioned paper map. The route was from Tobermory South on highway 6 and then get on highway 26 East and via the Blue Mountains and past Barrie to CR 48, and then use the satnav of the Nokia to get us to the address.

This time, I was driving and Anneke was reading the map and taking pictures with my Panasonic camera, while I was driving. The camera that used to be my fathers camera and that probably had been in Canada before me.

We set the satnav to 'avoid freeways' and were ready for our three hundred and eighty kilometer drive for today. The weather was nice and the gastank almost full.

Mainstreet in Wiarton

A beautiful house

Long straight roads

A little past ten o'clock, it was time for coffee. We stopped at a Tim Hortons restaurant. (We have a Tim Hortons customer card and after seven visits, we get a free coffee ).

Coffee time

On the same parking as the Tim Hortons was a big Foodland shop so we went there to buy noodles, apples and water.

We ride through some more interesting pretty villages and enjoy the Canadian scenery, the big shiny trucks, lots of Harley Davidsons, pickup trucks and all the not so European things.

Then we saw flashing lights comming to us and three police cars with their lights on came speeding past us and disapeared in the distance.


In some villages, it looks like they are ready for halloween.

Ready for haloween

We like the streets that we only knew from the movies and TV.

The streets we only knew from the movies and TV

After a few hours driving, we were getting hungry and we got a very good hamburger at South St. Burger Co. in Barrie.

South St. Burger Co.

The staff was wearing very nice black and white T-shirts with a hamburger up front and I asked if I could buy one as a souvenir but the answer was no.

The hamburger and coffee was good and after this lunch, we carried on to Bobcaygeon and enjoyed the scenery.

The next time we wanted to stop for coffee, we were looking for something else then McDonalds or Tim Hortons so when we saw Kirkfield Restaurant in a nice wooden building we stopped for coffee.
Sadly, it was closed so we had to find another place to ghet our coffee.

Closed Kirkfield Restaurant

Twenty minutes later, we found, you guessed it, a Tim Hortons......
In front of the store and at the gasstation were about twenty parked Harleys with their riders and while we went inside to get coffee, they left with the beautiful sound of all those big V-twin engines.

Tim Hortons at highway 35 in Coboconk

This was the first Tim Hortons that had no tables and chairs inside so we had to drink our coffee and eat our donuts sitting on the curb.

Right across the street from where we were sitting on the curb was a house for lease. When it had been my house, I would have painted it first....

House for lease......

It was a few minutes past three o'clock and we were about an hour driving from our destination. I had mailed that we would arrivce between four and five in the afternoon so we were right on schedule.

After we finished our coffee, we left for the last leg of our trip for today.

Another nice village

Some strange farming vehicle

A few minutes before we got at our destination, I called ahead to let them know we were on our way and when we arrived in Bobcaygeon, the lady of the houseboats was already waiting for us and showed us our blue houseboat.

Anneke in our houseboat

It is the nicest place to stay on holiday I have ever seen. It is a complete house with a fully equipped kitchen and a porch at the lakeside.

A porch at the lakeside

Just after we arrived, we had a chat with a local guy from Bobcaygeon and when Anneke told him that she lived in Voorburg, he was surprised because that is where his parents had lived.

Before he left, he told us to try the icecream at Kawartha Dairy, just a few streets from the houseboats. First we got all our luggage from the car in the houseboat and then we went to the icecream shop.

Kawartha Dairy

It is the headquarter of Kawartha Dairy and they sell about fourty flavours of icecream. We both had a 'small' icecream but we would call it a big one !

A 'small' icecream

It was nice but not as good as the man told us. I guess he never had a real Italian icecream.

It was so close to the houseboat that I walked back, while Anneke took the Passat. While I walked back, I passed a churh and I liked the sign outside.

A sign outside a church in Bobcaygeon

Bobcaygeon is a nice little village and has a lot to see. I liked the buildings on the road to the houseboats.

Nice buildings

Before I went back to the houseboat, I walked to the bridge to see the houseboats from this side.

The houseboats in the distance

The icecream was our dessert but after our dessert, we got our dinner, Noodles and bread.

Dinner at the porch

It was very relaxing to sit on the porch, eating dinner and watching the small fishing boats passing by on the lake.

Tomorrow we will visit Kawartha Settlers Village.

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021