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Visiting Ontario in Canada
September 2019

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The Car
The Preparations
The route
The Start

Day 2, Sightseeing in Toronto

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

We got up at seven this morning and had breakfast at the Denny's restaurant. We both had two pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon and saugages and coffee for breakfast.
Tim, our friend and 'tourguide' for today, would see us at the hotel at nine o'clock but he was already in the lobby before nine. After a phonecall to the car rental company to solve a small misunderstanding, we left for our sightseeing tour in Tims Toyota.

It was a nice day with a lot of sunshine and temperatures between 20 and 27 degrees Celcius.
Our first attraction was the CN tower. It is 553 meter high and until 2007 is was the highest building in the world.

We see the CN Tower in the distance

Tim parked his car in an underground parking and we walked to the tower. In front of the tower is a big 'Canada' sign and we asked a bystander to take a picture of Tim, Anneke and me.

Tim, Anneke and me near the CN Tower

The tower had very tight security. I had to empty all my pockets in my vest and they checked everything. Finaly we were allowed in the tower.

It is BIG

We went to the observationdeck at 350 meter (only 51 seconds in a very quick elevator) and had a beautiful view over Toronto.

One floor beneath the observation deck is another deck with a glass floor that you can walk on.

Anneke on the glass floor

Looking down through the glass floor

After a quick visit to the giftshop, we left the tower and crossed the street to the 'Toronto Railway Museum'. On the open air part of the museum are some old locomotives coaches and a real turntable for locomotives.

Locomotives at the Toronto Railway Museum

A coal tower and a very big steam locomotive

On the grass, we saw quite a few black squirrels and they were used to people because you could see that they were not afraid.

Black squirrels

It was almost noon so we went to a restaurant and had a nice lunch. Tim and I had wraps and Anneke had sandwiches.

The next attraction was the 'Ripley's Aquarium of Canada'. It was next to the CN tower in a futuristic building.

Ripley's Aquarium of Canada

The aquarium itself was the most beautiful and impressive aquarium I have ever seen. Giant fish tanks with sharks, turtles, rays, lobsters, jellyfish and hundreds species of fish.

A curious shark

The cleaning lady at work

Tim and me

A big ray

We spend a lot of time in the aquaruim. If you ever come to Toronto, this is something you do not want to miss.

We had a (big) cup of coffee at the giftshop in the aquaruim. We had some time left before dinner so we decided to visit Fort York.

The fort is famous because during the War of 1812, in the Battle of York, the U.S. attacked York from Lake Ontario, overrunning the Britisch garrison.The British abandoned the fort but let the powder magazine of the fort explode. The explosion killed or wounded hundreds of U.S. soldiers. It is a historic site now.

We arrived at the fort, half an hour before closing time so the friendly lady at the entrance told us we did not have to pay because we had only half an hour to see the fort.

Anneke wanted me to play 'guard'

The CN tower in the background

This is were the soldiers lived

The fort closed at four o'clock so we had to leave. We went to another area in Toronto, The Distillery Historic District and had coffee at Balzac's Coffee Roastery.

Balzac's Coffee Roastery

Then Tim got a textmessage that his wife Jennifer was already at the restaurant for dinner so we walked to the 'HotHouse' restauarant. Jennifer was waiting for us and we ordered the best pasta I ever had with a nice cold local beer.

A interesting old building in front of the restaurant

Enjoying dinner with Jennifer and Tim

Before Tim drove us back to the hotel, we went to a Wallmart to buy some bread, water and a magazine. A Wallmart is HUGE. I don't think we have shops that big in the Netherlands. They even have their own Mc Donalds in the store.

At the Wallmart in Mississauga

From the Wallmart, Tim and Jennifer drove us to the hotel. It was a wonderful day and we were so happy that Tim wanted to take a day of from work to be our tourguide because I know we would not have seen half of what we did today, without him.

Tomorrow, we will get our car and drive to the Niagara Falls.

Unfortunately, I got an email from the organiser of the Cowboy Action shooting match, telling that the match at September 14, was canceled

Our next hotel where we will stay from September 12 to 13 is:
95 Smith Ave Apartment,
95 Smith Ave,
L8L SP2 Hamilton,

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021