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Visiting Ontario in Canada
September 2019

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The Car
The Preparations
The route
The Start

Day 11, Visiting Whetung Ojibwa Centre

Friday, September 20, 2019

This houseboat in Bobcaygeon must be the most relaxing holiday destination I ever had. To get up, have a shower and eat breakfast and drink tea on the porch and looking out over te lake.

Morning tea at Bobcaygeon

We are sorry we have to leave already. We really love this place. We will ride to Curve Lake now, so Anneke can buy her moccasins and then we will try to find our hotel, Woodhaven Country Lodge on 97 Fire Route 51 in Buckhorn.

Bye bye nice houseboat....

It is about half an hour driving to Curve Lake and the roads are good and the trees are starting to get their autumn colors.

Nice roads

This is an area with a lot of water. Lakes, canals, rivers and swamps.

A swamp along the road

On Mississauga Street in Curve Lake, we filled our gas tank at Quarter Mile gasstation. We got 35,63 liter for $ 42.37 (Canadian).

Filling the tank

Shortly after we left the gasstation, we saw Whetung Ojibwa Centre on the right side of the road. (The address is 875 Mississauga St. Curve Lake, First Nation, Ontario).

We arrived at our first destination

A tipi behind Whetung Ojibwa Centre

Curve Lake is the teritory of the Ojibwe people. They belong to the Anishnabek group of people.

Whetung Ojibwa Centre offers a very big collection of Native crafts as well as Fine Art, Jewelry, Moccasins, Leather Work, Sculptures and much more from Curve Lake First Nation and across Canada.

So much to see (and buy)

Native art

But we were here because Anneke was looking for moccasins and boy did they have moccasins......

A "few" moccasins

It is hard to choose.......

Finaly Anneke could find two pair of moccasisns she liked. I found a nice present for my wife and we enjoyed looking at all the beautiful native art and jewelery and the interesting museum downstairs.

From the Whetung Ojibwa Centre we followed the road into Curve Lake. Some views were beautiful and some a little less.

Lake view at Curve Lake

Houses at Curve Lake

It was time for coffee and when we saw this "Convenience One Stop Shop", we stopped. Then someone was shouting something from the end of the pier.

It happened to be the Ojibwa lady that was running the shop and gasstation and also a gasstation for the boats on the lake.

When she was finished with the boats, she came to the shop. We asked if she had coffee and she had. We could get it for free !
She was a very nice lady, full of energy and very funny.

We got free coffee here

We came past another shop down the road and we wanted to check it out but there was nobody there so we carried on.

Nobody there....

It was lunchtime now so we were looking for a place to buy something to eat. At a gasstation, we noticed a Tim Hortons sign but unfortunately, the place was deserted.

In Buckhorn, we found a restaurant near the lake but after a while, nobody came to show us a table and some other people complained they were already waiting for twenty minutes so we left.

The next restaurant, on the other side of the street was the Olde Ice House. It is on 1932 Lakehurst Road in Buckhorn Ontario.
We found a table outside and the nice (and very skinny) waitress brought us our tea and the menu. We choose a Banquet Burger with Coleslaw and it was very nice.

Lunch at the Olde Ice House

We could not find the address of the hotel in my Nokia satnav but fortunately I had downloaded a map of the area in Google Maps yesterday. With the combination of the GPS coördinates in and Google Maps, we could find a route to the hotel.

It is a nice green area

The road along the lake

A nice view on the lake

After fifteen minutes, we found the sign Woodhaven Country Lodge at the beginning of Fire Route 51. Then it was only a kilometer on a gravel road to get to the lodge.

The road to Woodhaven Country Lodge

We left the car at the parking and walked to the lodge but it was closed. It was only half past two and we were supposted to arrive at three o'clock.

We walked past the lodge and I walked down to the lake while Anneke was waiting near the lodge. Just when I was at the shoreline of the lake, I heard someone comming. Anneke came racing down the slope in a golfcart with David, one of the owners of the lodge.

In the golfcart

We went back to the lodge and got our luggage from the car. We were shown our rooms and given a tour through the public rooms for the guests.

The entrance of Woodhaven Country Lodge

There is a nice living room near the entrance, a big dining room, a smaller living room and a room with a pool table and a kitchenette with coffee and cakes.

A nice living room for the guests

Upstairs, in front of our suite with to sleeping rooms and one bathroom, is another living room with a wonderful view on the lake.

On Friday and Saturday (the days we are here !) they offer a free dinner at half past six in the afternoon. Tonight is is pizza with salad. The dessert was a very nice pie. Dinner is with all guests and the hosts on one big table.

Dinner with other guests and our hosts

What I don't like to much is all the signs with rules, what to do and what not to do, but it is no big deal, in fact it is just funny.

Some of the rules

But there is one sign I do like, and that is in the entrance of the dining room, the sign "The dining room area is a cell phone free zone".

Cell phone free zone

Tomorrow at nine AM, we have breakfast in the big dining room and after breakfast we will go to the Pow Wow in Curved Lake.

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021