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Visiting Ontario in Canada
September 2019

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The Car
The Preparations
The route
The Start

Day 12, Visiting Curve Lake annual Pow Wow

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Today we went to the Pow Wow at Curve Lake. This Pow Wow is a meeting of the Anishnaabe people of the Great Ojibwe Nation and other native people.

Yesterday, at the Whetung Ojibwa Centre, we asked directions for the Pow Wow and they told us to park the car near the church and walk to the Pow Wow. It started at noon so they advised us to be there around eleven o'clock to find a free parking place.

I got out of bed at eight and enjoyed the nice weather and the view at the forest on our balcony before we went to the dining room for breakfast.

At nine in the morning, we had a very good breakfast at Woodhaven Country Lodge before we got in our rental car and went to The Pow Wow at Curve Lake.

The treees are beautiful in autumn

Curve lake is an 'First nation' area and they have their own police force. I had read somewhere that it is very important not to drive to fast on these roads.

Curve Lake

We found a good parking place behind the church and walked to the Pow Wow and bought our tickets, $8 each. We got a ride on a golf cart from the ticket sales stand to the place where it all happened. That saved us a long walk.

Ticket sales at the Pow Wow

The dances had not start yet because we were rather early so there was time to check out the market stalls. They sold all kind of First Nation things like jewelery, clothing, knifes, food, traditional medicines and more.
I bought a nice T-shirt before the dancing begun.

Market stalls

In the center of the field was a covered area where the drummers and singers were. They could sit in the shadow while they were drumming and singing.

Drummers and singers

The grand opening with all chiefs, elders and dancing and singing groups is sacred. Photography is not allowed and everybody had to stand up and men had to remove there hats.

When the sacred part was over, we could sit down and take pictures again. There were all kinds of dancing groups and it was all very colorful.

Dancing at the Pow Wow

After a few dances, the speaker asked all people who are supporters of the First nation people to shout and clap their hands. We did it too. Then he asked all supporters to come to dance together so I got up and danced with a whole group of people.

The speaker told it was the biggest group dance in the 66 times this Pow Wow was here.

Dancing in a big group

After the big group dance, more traditional dances followed. It was very interesting and nice to look at, but dancing with the group was the nicest part so far.

Dancing in beautiful traditional custumes

There was a family of the Anishnaabe people who live in New Zealand and they came here for the Pow Wow. After they were introduced, the speaker asked all people who had come from outside Canada to come forward and participate in a dance
Anneke and I joined the group and danced with people from all over the world.

The family from New Zealand

When the dance with the guests was finished, the man who talked to us in Bobcaygeon, who's parents came from Voorburg, came to greet us. He was surprised to see us here.

After watching some more dancing, we walked to the market stalls and Anneke and I both bought a nice T-shirt.


One more time we went to the dance circle to watch the dancing for a while, before we decided it was time to go back to the hotel.

Some more dances

We walked along the market stalls and looked at the beautiful handmade art that was for sale. We also bought a very nice postcard from , RedGeorge, the artist who had painted the original of the card.

Red George with the postcard

It was a very hot day. The weather forcast this morning was 27 degrees Celcius so it was very good that the organisers of the Pow Wow had arranged a big water truck where everybody could fill their water bottles with fresh water.

Water truck

Their was a long line of people waiting for a ride wioth the golf cart back to the ticket stall so we decided not to wait but to walk.

On the way to our car, we saw a field with parked motorcycles, all Harley Davidsons, except for one Indian motorcycle.

Only a part of all the Harleys in the field

After a healthy walk, we arrived at the parking behind the church and got into the car to ride back via Buckhorn.

In Buckhorn, we did some shopping at Foodland. We needed some bottles with water and cookies for our ride to Toronto tomorrow.

Foodland in Buckhorn

In the shop I saw plastic bags with four liter milk !

Four liter milk bags

Past the beautiful lake, we drove back to Woodhaven Country Lodge.

Beautiful lake

In the evening we had a dinner with salmon, mais, various salads and a good glass of whine, and apple pie with ice cream as dessert. A perfect end of a perfect day.

We are so lucky with the weather. Almost everytime we go somewhere, the weather is perfect.

Tomorrow we drive back to the hotel in Mississauga where our trip started about two weeks ago. On Monday we will leave Canada on our flight with Air Canada to the Netherlands.

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021