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Touring in the Czech Republic
May-June 2015

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The Bike
The Preparations
My route
The Start

Day 2, from Vianden to Ansbach

Sunday, May 24, 2015

We had breakfast at eight o'clock and then we loaded all our luggage on our bikes again. So did Henny but he had a little more then we did, like two spare tires !

Henny with his bike, ready to go to Mongolia

At nine we filled our tanks at an ARAL gas-station so we were ready for our ride today. We had to go from Vianden to Ansbach in Germany, almost fourhundred fifty kilometer, mostly on nice backroads.

This kind of road!

A nice view, with the trees and the fields with yellow flowers

Some curves are nice too !

A little past eleven in the morning, we were riding on the B41, a very narrow road through the forrest, that ended in Winterbach, with some nice hairpins and a lot of curves. The road surface was not very good but the ride was great anyway.

Half an hour later while riding through a small village called Bockenau I noticed some old railroad "remains". Two steam locomotives and some other things. We stopped to have a better look and shoot some pictures.

Some railroad pictures

After a few hours riding, our bikes needed some petrol in the tanks and we needed some coffee so at the next ARAL-station we bought both.

While I filled my tank, a German came to admire my GoldWing. He liked the 1200 more then the newer models (and so do I). A few minutes later, while we were drinking our coffee, another German came and told me that he liked the GoldWing 1200 a lot. It seems to be a populair classic bike in Germany......

At the ARAL gas station

Most of the time, we used two or one lane country roads but sometimes we ended up on four lane roads that the Tomtom did not recognised as "freeway". In this case that was not bad because we had to ride a lot of kilometers today.

At one o'clock, the road ended at the bank of the river Rhein at a place called Nierstein. We bought a ticket for the ferry to cross the river. It costed five euro for two bikes and two persons.

On the ferry

On the oppsite bank, was a little snackbar and the parking and the road in front of it was filled with motorcycles. We stopped there too, to look at the bikes and to eat a bread roll and drink some water.

A lot of bikes

At a quarter to three, we had another pitstop at an ARAL "Tankstelle". After we filled our tanks we went inside and had a cappuccino and a cheese sandwich each.

They are very motorcycle friendly. In the bathroom is a "Helmablage", a special construction to put your helmet on so you don't have to lay it on the ground next to the toilet.


In the town Hardheim, we stopped to take some pictures of some nice German buildings.

Nice houses

At four in the afternoon, the Tomtom showed us a very narrow country road through the little village "Hof Lilach". After some four lane roads, it was a nice surprise to get on a road like this. Thank you Tomtom .

A narrow road through Hof Lilach

Later, back on the main road to Ansbach, I noticed two strange chimneys. One was square and the other had eight corners. Normal "industrial" chimneys are round.

Two strange chimneys

At half past five, we arrived at hotel Grunwald, on a hill in the forrest. We got two nice rooms with a great view and could park our bikes in a garage.

Hotel Grunwald

A room with a view

After we had parked the bikes and made a reservation for a hotel in Plzen for tomorrow, we had a very nice dinner at the restaurant of the hotel.

Our next hotel is Hotel Victoria, Borska 19 in Plzen, Tsjechie.

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021