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Touring in the Czech Republic
May-June 2015

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The Bike
The Preparations
My route
The Start

Day 12, Visiting the Andernach Geyser

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

This day turned out a little different then we planned. After our breakfast, we went to the shopping street because Dick needed to buy some things. When we returned at the hotel, Dick was not feeling well so he went to bed with a few aspirins and I had to do todays trip, to the geyser and the "Laacher See", on my own.

Our hotel, the "Gastehaus der food-akademie"

Shopping street in Neuwied

Dick had given me his notes with the location of the geyser but when I came that place, I was in the middle of some river docks area with cranes loading ships. This was not where the geyser was.

A big crane, loading a ship

Again, I was happy with my Tomtom. I looked for the tourist information office and left the docks to go there to ask for information. On my way to the tourist information office, I saw a sign about the geyser but I did not find the geyser.

I could not, because you can not get there by road but you have to take a boat. So I had to buy a ticket at the geyser visitors center and had to wait an hour and a half before the next boat left.

The bike at the geyser visitors center

When you do the trip to the geyser, you are expected to walk through the geyser education center with all kind of video and other displays about the inner part of the earth, vulcano's and geysers. Not bad but mostly a little to much targeted for schoolkids.

"Grandpa" telling a child about
geysers in an animation video

Fortunately, they sold good cappuccino in the souvenir shop and restaurant but even after I finished my cappuccino and had called home, I still had to wait an hour for the boat....

I did not want to wait inside so I took a walk on the bank of the river and soon found a interesting building, "Das Bolwerk".

Bulwark on the bank of the Rhine

"Das Bolwerk", the Bulwark, was built between 1659 and 1661 as a customs station, controlling the shipping on the Rhine and also as an ice-breaker to protect the city walls.
It is now a war memorial for victims of both World Wars.

The memorial in "Das Bolwerk"

In the distance, I could see the autobahn, going around the hill, above the forest. The Germans sure do know how to build a nice autobahn .

The autobahn along the Rhine

And then, the boat to the geyser, the "Namedy", arrived. I was one of the first passenger that got on the boat and soon I was sitting at a table with a cappuccino and a piece of pie.

The "Namedy"

Cappuccino and pie

At a few minutes after one o'clock, the boat left and I went to the deck to take some pictures.

The geyser visitors center, seen from the boat

On the river Rhine

There are some really big ships on the river

An old crane on the river bank

The Rhine is wide !

About twenty minutes after we left, we arrived at the quay at the peninsula called Namedyer Werth, a local nature reserve, where the Geyser Andernach lies.

We had arrived

You can read about the history of the geyser on the site of Geysir Andernach.

It was a few hundred meter walk from the boat to the geyser through the beautiful nature reserve. When I was at the source of the geyser, I made a picture of the bubbles the CO2 made in the water, even when the geyser was not active.

CO2 bubbles

We had to wait a few minutes (you can not rush mother nature) before the geyser became active but then it was spectaculair to see the sixty meter high water column blow in the air.

The geyser

A lot of people enjoyed the spectacle

It took a few minutes and then the geyser became lower and lower until it stopped blowing and everybody walked back to the boat.

The bank of the Rhine in the Namedyer Werth peninsula is sure a piece of idyllic landscape in the Rhine Valley. If you look at that river beach, you would expect a wild animal coming out of the forest any moment.....

Idyllic landscape

When all the passengers were back on board, the "Namedy" went back to the geyser visitors center.

The bell of the Namedy

While on the way back, I had a nice potato salad with saucages and a coka-cola for lunch.

In the tourist information, they talk about the "idyllic" Rhine Valley and on some places it sure is.

The "idyllic" Rhine Valley

Some other places, not far from the idyllic parts of the Rhine valley are a little less idyllic. Here the nice timbered houses and vineyards had to make place for the industry.

The not so idyllic places are important too.

Nevertheless, a lot of the Rhine valley sure is very beautiful and I enjoyed looking at it and taking pictures of it, from the deck of the boat.

The beautiful Rhine Valley

Now I had seen the geyser, it was time for the next item on Dick's list, the Laacher See (Lake Laacher). I found the location of the Laacher See on the GPS map of my Nokia smartphone and entered that information in the Tomtom. It was (and is) near the village Wassenach.

On my way to Wassenach, I saw a castle, hidden in the forrest beside the road and fortunately, I found a place to stop and take a picture.

A nice castle

It was difficult to find a place where I could walk to the Laacher See but after I had ask a warden at a campsite for directions, I found a place to park the GoldWing and a path to the lake.

It was a fifteen minute walk on a steep footpath through the forrest in again a nature reserve but finaly, I saw the lake and it is beautiful.

The Laacher See

The Laacher See is a caldera lake and a potentially active volcano !!! The caldera where the lake is now, was formed after the eruption about 12,900 years ago.

This peaceful lake used to be an erupting vulcano......

Some day this vulcano will erupt again and wreak havoc in a big part of Europe but nobody knows when.....

To get to the lake, I had to walk down, but to get back to my bike, I had to walk the same path, but now I had to go uphill. I was happy when I finaly saw my GoldWing.

United with my bike again

I was getting thirsty from walking to the lake and back so when I saw a big supermarket on my way back to the hotel, I bought a big bottle of water. That tasted good !

I bought water at a supermarket

Back at the hotel, Dick was feeling a lot better and we went to the restaurant for coffee and I showed him some of the pictures I made today.

At six we had a fine dinner. We had the "pasta of the week" and it was nice with asparagus and a good sauce.

The waitress gave us the advise to walk to the bank of the Rhine, near the hotel. It was only a few minutes walk and well worth the walk.

A "tower" to measure the water level in the Rhine

Canoes are drawn on dry land....

.... and stored in the boat house

The bridge over the Rhine in Neuwied

It's the end of a nice day

After our little walk, we went back to the hotel. Tomorrow, if Dick is feeling healty enough for the trip, we will ride home.

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021